Would you take autism away from your child if you could? This question has been circulating online and every time I read it, I have the same response: Why ask about something that can’t be done? Last time I checked, there was no cure for autism. I do not have the ability to take autism away from my six-year old son, Angel, so asking me this question is pointless and not very helpful. It is what it is.
I prefer to live in a state of reality and not dwell on what ifs. In my reality as a parent, I have accepted that Angel will always have autism, unless someone can figure out a way to rewire his brain.
So where does this reality leave me? It leaves me in a place of perseverance and determination. I will continue to fight, so that Angel gets everything he needs. I want Angel to be able to thrive, function, and grow into an independent young man. Yes he may end up needing support as an adult, but who does not need support?
My life is devoted to creating opportunities for Angel. I am doing everything in my power to ensure that he gets an appropriate education and all the services that he needs. We are working within the confines of his autism diagnosis while also giving him the tools that he needs to breakthrough and defy expectations.
His diagnosis has impacted every area of our lives, and yes, some days are hard, but we are dealing as a family. We have also learned that people are not always kind. Some people have no idea how their words and actions can impact others. However, I take comfort in knowing that my love for my son and my pride for all that he has accomplished outweigh what anyone may think about him.
So until someone can tell me that they have found the cure for autism, please don’t ask me if I would take it away if I could.
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