Despite being married to former NFL player Rodney Peete, actress Holly Robinson Peete counts herself among the many baller wives who are not looking forward to their sons following in their dads’ football-playing footsteps. Although Robinson Peete loves football and married in to a football family (her brother-in-law is a Dallas Cowboys running back coach), new information about the risk of long-term health problems related to the sport motivated her to encourage her 10-year-old son to wait at least another year before playing. “It’s a major point of contention between Rodney and I,” she said. “But the information out there is scary. As a mom and a football fan, I’m at a crossroads.” ESPN
Former NBA baller Allan Houston, who has six kids with wife Tamara Houston, teamed up with the NBA’s Amare Stoudemire to speak to a group of Harlem dads as part of a panel stressing the importance of fathers being in the home. Houston credits his father for teaching him how to be a good parent, saying: “When I got to the NBA and I saw that a lot of the guys didn’t have the experience that I had, it was different for me. But what I went through with my father should be the standard. He set the example for me about how to be a great father. We can’t do that unless we have great connections to our kids.” Black Celeb Kids
After being part of a pilot that wasn’t picked up last season, actress Angela Bassett is teaming up with NBC as headliner and executive producer of a new dramatic series. The legal drama centers around two women, and the official logline states: “One is a brilliant yet unsympathetic rainmaker at a powerful NYC law firm, whose world is suddenly and permanently upended by a health issue. Facing this crisis, she makes her condition public and vows to continue her practice with the help of a young brilliant attorney she chooses to be her right hand.” Entertainment Weekly
Comedian Mike Epps will once again host the BET Hip Hop Awards. The funnyman took over the network’s 106 & Park Wednesday to announce some of the award nominees. The awards ceremony will take place in Atlanta and airs on Tuesday, October 9.
Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph, who is married to Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes, opened up to HLN‘s Dr. Drew about the pain of divorce, which she experienced following her first marriage from 1990 to 2001 to art dealer Eric Maurice. “Divorce is all about ego,” she said. “Somewhere it gets into somebody’s head “...’You’re not taking me down. I’m taking you down first,’ and when it gets like that, it’s just ugly for everybody.” She also talked about the importance of dealing amicably with an ex-spouse to for the sake of the children involved. She and Maurice have two children together. HLN
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