Last night, almost everyone I personally know was in front of their television or on social media waiting for the indictment verdict against Officer Darren Wilson for shooting the unarmed teenager, Michael Brown.
The longer the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch spoke about the case, the more obvious it seemed that Officer Darren Wilson would go free.
Once the verdict was confirmed, many people took to social media to express their thoughts including celebrities. Here are a few Celebrity Tweets and their reaction to the verdict last night:
Pray for #STL #pray for peace #pray for black males-every child is someone's baby! #MikeBrown #Ferguson
— Phaedra Parks, Esq. (@PhaedraParks) November 25, 2014
Even without indictment of Darren Wilson, we can fight racism, poverty & predatory government. #Ferguson. #MikeBrown.
— Tavis Smiley – on ? @therealtavissmiley (@tavissmiley) November 25, 2014
My heart goes out to the family of #MikeBrown, the people of #Ferguson and #america as a whole…
— (@iamwill) November 25, 2014
DEAR GOD if you're listenin now #MikeBrown #Ferguson
— Anthony Hamilton Official (@HamiltonAnthony) November 25, 2014
#Unarmed RT @ACLU: Let's not forget that #MikeBrown was unarmed #ferguson
— Big Boi (@BigBoi) November 25, 2014
Obama: "the law too often feels like it's being applied in a discriminatory fashion." #MikeBrown #Ferguson
— T.J. Holmes (@tjholmes) November 25, 2014
The actions of the #Ferguson police dept in the hours after #MikeBrown was killed played a major role in the protests.
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) November 25, 2014
Everyone in #Ferguson isn't in the streets. There's some people who are so angry they will use any reason to be destructive. #BreaksMyHeart
— Columbus??Short.eth (@ColumbusShort1) November 25, 2014
We must work together to stop the unnecessary loss of young men of color. Justice was not served in Ferguson.
— Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) November 25, 2014
BMWK, What do you think about the verdict?
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