For many men there can be a level of anxiety that always is present when it comes to leading our family. That anxiety typically revolves around either not having a father as a role model or not having a good role model to pattern themselves around. So how does a man lead what he has never seen before?
Tough question, and I don’t know that anyone can really stand as an expert on this one. That is why the Bible is so significant in the life of a husband. Here are a few suggestions on being a spiritual leader in your home:
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- Pray with/for your kids. Job made offerings for his kids, just in case they sinned.
- Pray with/for your wife. Isaac prayed 20 years for his wife.
- Let your family see you reading the Bible, often.
- Take your wife away as often as possible.
- Read to your family.
- Make decisions based on biblical reason, not your own.
- Don’t rule by the letter of Scripture, but by the law of love
- Know Scripture for yourself.
- Love intentionally. Schedule time for each child and your wife.
- Lead in family Bible Study. Set the time, insist everyone is present and learn together as a family.
- Lead with humility. Proverbs 15:2
- Admit mistakes, without fear of losing your strength.
- Spend personal time with God.
- Spend time being silly with your kids
- Let your wife vent. She may find it romantic.
- Stay fit.
- Stay spontaneous.
- Always choose family over career. Always! Read what happened to Potiphar in Genesis 39.
- Show compassion more than you show an iron fist.
- Hold family meetings.
- Calm your wife’s fears.
- Find 3 Men of the Bible to learn how to be a leader or father from. I like Jesus, Joseph, and Nehemiah.
- Really listen to and consider your wife’s wisdom when making a decision.
- Teach your kids what you know and learn with them what you don’t know.
- Speak positivity into your children early and often. You can do it. You will be a good husband/wife.
- Be honest about feelings and emotions. I’m afraid does not equal I’m not a man.
- Don’t quote the Bible, live it.
- Encourage your wife’s dreams.
- Set goals with and for each family member and then coach them to the finish line.
- Find other guys to talk to. No one is perfect, each friend has a different strength.
- Cherish your wife.
- Maintain the mind of Christ while interacting with your family. I Corinthians 2:10-14.
Being a leader our family is always a challenge but as we continue to grow spiritually, God will continue to grow us a husbands and fathers.
BMWK — What are some ways you show that you are the spiritual leader for your family?
Excellent instruction Edward. I’ve implemented some of these for my household and myself. I see a few others we need to consider as a family and that I can improve on personally. Thanks. I’m sharing online.
Thanks Martin. I think brothers, need to dialogue about this more often. Thanks for sharing too.
Outstanding!!! Wise counsel and worth sharing with as broad of an audience as possible. Thank you for sharing. Be bless my brother. Ty
@Tyrone – Thanks for the comment. Be blessed, too.
I Love it!! Sharing this with the wives so they commit to praying for their kings! Thanks for sharing this!!
This list is vital to the growth of the family. Its so easy to sidetracked with other things. Reviewing this list and acting on it helps maintain the proper balance.
I forwarded this list to my fiancé to read. I love it! We can all learn from scriptures about the way that The Lord views us individually and as a family unit. We are His family so who better to learn from than our Heavenly Father? Thank you so much for this post and I hope that it puts wind into everyone’s sails who have read it. 🙂
God bless.
Great post! I’ve been struggling with how to be a better husband in this area and have done a poor job of consistently doing a number of these, esp. family prayer and devotion time. I’ll be revisiting this list often. Thanks.
Great post. Going to share this with my brothers who are married. I defiantly understand that as husbands, we need to be the Priest of our homes.
This is a load of crap and not even biblical. This author is putting wives on the same level as kids instead of equal partners with their husband. Much of this should is common sense. I wish my husband would “schedule” time with me and our children or make a decision without consulting me first. Decisions between a husband and wife are to be made together. A husband does not have authority except over himself and his children, and that’s only for a time. A husband’s duty is to love. He can only lead (guide) IF his wife will follow. There are a myriad of lies by so-called Christians on what a husband’s duty is – much of it is focused on the man being “in charge”. This usually stems from a false sense of self-entitlement and an inflated ego. This is why the divorce rate has sky-rocketed.
Oh, and I love #7. Rule who? I don’t know any husband in the United States who would dare believe he has the right to “rule” over anyone. Let’s be real, many women rule their marriages.
None of this is in the bible…these are “man-dates”.
Hmmm…Ms. Jeanette…as a single woman, I must assume you’re definitely single. LOL
Janette, I must disagree with you. Where is this not biblical? You’re making all kind of assumptions and twisting the man’ words. I certainly see that he said value your wife wisdom. For wisdom to known there must be some vocalization of such. Therefore, he’ saying value her wise counsel. And just because he said set a time for devotion it does not mean that the man should not check with everyone. Furthermore, that man is living in that house hle must know what tine everyone is free. Lastly, how woman accept the lead of a boss but not their husband? He is the one that will be accountable to God for not doing is duty. Likewise, the woman will be too.
My husband and I drove to Montreal from up north, which is approximately an hour and ten minutes in total.
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the new Heavy Duty mode which increases player health.
My goal here then is to clarify the uselessness of metaphysics, and then transition from
empiricism (as a counter to moral rationalism), and move more directly into skepticism.
It is for this reason that we will consider it separately, apart from the general view of
religion, giving it a category of its own. Those facing North bear the Abhaya (fearlessness)
mudra, while those in the East show the Bhumisparsha (earth-touching) gesture.
Good article. Agree with all except number 7 where you said don’t rule by the letter of the scripture but by law of love. You can’t make biblical decisions without ruling by the letter of the scripture. I would love to see the many ways a woman can be a help meet to her husband, the leader of the family.
<3 :)))
I write a monthly blog for spiritual leaders. It is my joy to refer my readers to your list above this month. May God bless you, your marriage, and your family as you stand and speak boldly for Him.