You fireproof your home. You make sure the stove is off and there are no piles of brush near the dwelling. Along with that, you ensure the electrical wiring is good and you purchase fire retardant furnishings. What about your marriage? Are you willing to fireproof your marriage?
4 Prayers to Fireproof Your Marriage
In this article:
Are you willing to take the same precautions for your marriage as you do for your home? One of the greatest ways to fireproof your marriage is the power of agreement. Right now, let’s focus on the power of agreement through prayer.
Here are 4 prayers to fireproof your marriage. (Where you see a blank insert your mate’s name).
Forgive Quickly
Father, teach me to forgive quickly and to be slow to become offended. I know ___________________’s heart is for me and not against me. When I am offended, or upset, I will trust in you and I will cover _________________ in love.
I fireproof my marriage by not letting the seed of unforgiveness take root. I won’t judge and act irrationally, but rely on you for understanding of this situation, so that I may see with your eyes and love with your heart.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:26, Proverbs 3:5
Demonstrate Diehard Compassion
Since I am made in your image and likeness, I am full of mercy and compassion. _________________ receives the benefit of these gifts you have instilled in me.
Just like you Lord, my mercies toward ___________________ are new every morn. My compassion toward ___________________ does not fail. I fireproof my marriage with diehard compassion and your loving kindness.
Scripture: Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:31; Lamentations 3:23; Proverbs 15:1; 1Peter 3:8
Love First
Father, I will strive to be the first to demonstrate unconditional love in my marriage, in any situation. I will love ________________ with the fullness of your love. I am willing to go first. You set the example of enduring the cross because of the joy that was to come. I am willing to do this in my marriage.
Heavenly Father, I step out on love that is patient and keeps no record of wrong. I love ___________________ demanding nothing in return, yet appreciate with gratitude every moment of joy and act of reciprocation that comes my way. God, I ask that you fireproof my marriage with a love that goes first. A love that protects, hopes and perseveres.
Scripture: Matthew 7:12, John 3:16; 1Corinthains 13
Never Leave Your Partner Behind
________________ and I, together with you Father, we are as a three-strand cord that is not easily broken. We are strong, intertwined and united. You said in your word that we are to cling to one another. You said that two shall become one flesh. Since we are one, as we grow, we will grow together.
As we walk, we will walk hand and hand. I fireproof my marriage by making a commitment to you Lord and to _______________. Through good times and tough times, we are in this together. There will be no man left behind.
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Mark 10:8; Ruth 1:16-17
Talking and listening to God through prayer is our two-way conversation to fireproof our marriage. These 4 short prayers serve as a safeguard; like a fire extinguisher for the home. They will extinguish the fiery darts that come our way. Because of fireproofing, challenges will not break us but cause growth, expand our faith and strengthen our love.
Happy fireproofing!
BMWK – share a prayer below that we all can use to fireproof our marriages.
Up Next: 5 Prayers for Better Sex and Intimacy in Your Marriage
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on March 15, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
I pray everyday for my marriage. I pray that God gives me strength. My husband lies to me, my husband talks to other women my husband liok st other women. He tells me if I want someone that is romantic, lovey lovey, he is not the one. My husband spends 20 hours out if the day in the basement, then comes to bed at 3am wnd get up at 6:30 and go right back downstairs. Dont want to go anywhere, always complain about something. I’m so tired of not being loved. I do everything for my husband. No appreciation. I ask the Lord should I throw in the towel.
Kelli, I pray that God will give you the strength that you need in the tough situation you are in. He’s seen every tear and heard every cry and prayer you’ve prayed. Stay faithful to God, He’s right by your side and will give you direction.