“I prayed for a husband, and God answered my prayer.” I hear it all the time from married women; however, their tone of voice isn’t as gleeful as you might imagine. They prayed for a man who will love and adore them, yet they get annoyed when he wants to show affection and be close 24/7. They call this type of man “needy.” What we fail to realize is that when we pray, God has his own agenda in meeting our needs. As such, it’s really important to be careful who you pray for in a spouse.
Be Careful Who You Pray For in a Spouse
In this article:
They prayed for a man who is a good father, even to another man’s child, yet they complain that he doesn’t discipline the children like they do. This type of guy isn’t “nurturing” enough. I’ve spoken to women who have prayed for a man who provides for the family and works a stable job, yet they complain that he works too much. This type of man isn’t “family-oriented.”
The Prayer
I know firsthand about this. I prayed for my husband to be a loyal, hard-working, family man who loves God, loves me, and loves his children. Who knew that God would answer my prayer by calling my husband into the pastorate. Oh, he loves God alright. So much so he has committed his life to helping other people love God, too. I got who I prayed for, with a church to go along with it.
Nevertheless, I’ve grown to see the blessing in my answered prayer, along with the daunting task of ministry. One of those blessings is the opportunity to encourage others to pray for their future or present spouse. The prayer, however, is just the beginning. The real work comes in when you have to accept the answered prayer in whatever form God decides to deliver it.
God’s Perspective
When God answers your prayer for a spouse and you marry the person He sends to you (not somebody of your own choosing), don’t expect that person to perfect, although the answer to your prayer is perfect.
Did you get that?
The answer to your prayer is always perfect even though your spouse isn’t. God knows what He is doing when He puts a husband and wife together. And part of what He is doing is maturing you.
A Woman’s Perspective
Ladies, if you pray for a husband who helps with the kids and housework, then you have to learn how to bite your tongue when he picks out mismatched clothes for the kids or cleans the kitchen without sweeping the floor.
The answer to your prayer is always perfect even though your spouse isn’t.
If you pray for a husband who respects your opinion and views marriage as a partnership, then don’t get an attitude and pressure him to “just make a decision” when he would rather talk it through with you. If you pray for a husband who is financially stable and a good provider, then you will need to joyfully submit to him when he makes decisions about money that limit your spending.
A Man’s Perspective
Men have to be careful who they pray for, too. Brothers, if you pray for a wife who takes care of herself and enjoys looking nice for you, then refrain from snide comments when you see a new box of shoes miraculously appear in the closet or when she returns from the beauty salon.
If you pray for a wife who is strong, independent and opinionated, then don’t get upset because she speaks her mind or takes on an extra project at work. Furthermore, if you pray for a wife who is supportive of your goals and wants the very best for you, then listen to her when she offers advice; God has given her some wisdom just for you.
Be Careful Who You Pray For
Now, I know we need to do all things in moderation, and sometimes we must speak up when our spouse is not doing his/her part in the marriage. However, speaking up is different from complaining and whining about the husband or wife you prayed for. The main point is this: Be careful who you pray for because God does answer prayers, but He probably won’t answer them in the way you are expecting.
BMWK: How many of you prayed for (are praying for ) your spouse? How was your prayer answered?
Up Next: 13 Bible Verses to Pray Over Your Husband
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on September 30, 2011, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
About the Author: Dr. Michelle Johnson is the founder of Alabaster Woman Ministries (www.alabasterwomanministries.com), an online international women’s ministry. She is a wife, mother, writer, speaker, teacher, and first lady of a church in North Carolina. Through her daily blog, online radio show, and video Bible studies, Dr. Michelle encourages women and married couples to make God the center of their lives.
anne says
Great post! At times I pray for a husband. Then I think that I shouldn’t because I’m jumping ahead of myself. I probably don’t have a husband because I want one. Just the same as I wanted a new car, but I decided not to want one anymore because I’m no where near close to purchasing one.
I assume that my focus is on all the wrong things. Some may want the same thing daily…I want to be closer to God. At what point do you feel that you’re so close to God that you should ask for something else.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Hey. Thanks for reading. Seems like you have your priorities in order. God is first, always. Actually, you will get a sense when it is time to start asking for something else. You will know when the time is right. Just stay close to God and He will speak to you about it. Your spirit knows! The main point is to have the right motivation for a husband.
Cassdurham says
Oooooo weeee, what a topic. WOW, “I prayed for a husband, and God answered my prayer.â€, that will preach right there by itself. I have heard this so many times , in fact had a conversation surrounding it the other day and I had to laugh because I know that God has a sense of humor. That husband will cause you to grow and be stretched in God in ways that you’ve never considered. Often times when we think of husband we think of ( to be honest) sex ( because it is legal sex) and companionship. Someone we can take places, someone that can take us to places. But that is not even a 1/3 of the real deal. Don’t get me wrong I love marriage and my husband, but it is work. It is a full time job in addition to you full time job, and child rearing, and other responsibilities. But if you get it right the payoff is immeasurable.
My husband has taught me to Let Go and Let God. He has taught me the power of prayer, the power of a fast and how to truly surrender to the will of God. Most of all my husband has taught me to say God let thy will be done, and whatever it is, condition me to deal with it.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thank you for sharing. This are words of wisdom. I like your “Oooooo weee.”
Cassdurham says
Oooooo weeee, what a topic. WOW, “I prayed for a husband, and God answered my prayer.â€, that will preach right there by itself. I have heard this so many times , in fact had a conversation surrounding it the other day and I had to laugh because I know that God has a sense of humor. That husband will cause you to grow and be stretched in God in ways that you’ve never considered. Often times when we think of husband we think of ( to be honest) sex ( because it is legal sex) and companionship. Someone we can take places, someone that can take us to places. But that is not even a 1/3 of the real deal. Don’t get me wrong I love marriage and my husband, but it is work. It is a full time job in addition to you full time job, and child rearing, and other responsibilities. But if you get it right the payoff is immeasurable.
My husband has taught me to Let Go and Let God. He has taught me the power of prayer, the power of a fast and how to truly surrender to the will of God. Most of all my husband has taught me to say God let thy will be done, and whatever it is, condition me to deal with it.
Adrienne says
I love this post!!!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks Adrienne.
Reggea says
Thanks for this post.
Knowing this truth is something (we’ve been married 21 years), but implementing it daily takes a lot of patience and perseverance.
Knowing that God put us together in marriage to become ONE physically, mentally and spiritually, He knows what we need to become ONE in all senses.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Reggea. So, so true. Patience and perseverance are key. It’s well worth the growing process (maybe even growing pains).
Cecilia4christ4ever says
This so powerul but yet so simple. Thank you so much for sharing in such a Godly way that you have to receive it in your heart and your mind. Be blessed!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
You are welcome.
Socialdiva says
This a great article!!! I used to pray for specific things, then I started talking to God in prayer. I want a husband, but I want who He has for me. He knows what I need more than I do, so my prayer now is to connect me with the one you have for me. It’s taken the stress away of wondering when, how, where and who. There was a time when I drove myself crazy and thought a couple of guys must be the one. Thankfully I bring everyone I meet to God in prayer and ask Him to revel to me if they’re supposed to be in my life or not, and regardless of my feelings, do what He knows best. So now, it’s God, your will be done. He’s the absolute best match maker for me!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Yes God is the best match maker. I love how you said that. I tell sisters all the time, if you have to guess if a guy is the right one, then he is NOT the right one.
Biggyrlz says
Sister you must have read my mind because I pray the same thing of God… not what my flesh wants but what God sees is best for me. I have met, dated and friended and through it all God has not only shown me if that man was right for me but what He wanted me to learn from that person. I feel that people come into our lives to teach us all something about ourselves … either to make us stronger in a certain area, to improve on a quality we were weak in, or just to make that person better.
So I don’t look at it as a failed relationship but as an opportunity to grow or help encourage someone else.
Keep on praying Socialdiva cause you are not alone. 🙂
Thanks for this post Dr. Johnson.
Estelle says
Great post! I had to laugh when I read this. I never speficially prayed for a husband. I would talk to God about not feeling like I could handle eveything that was going on in my life and how I wanted even a fraction of the help I was providing other people, but I never said God here’s what I want in a man. When my soon to be husband came into my life I told God to make this man leave me alone because I was too busying do everything that needed to get done. One day my then boyfriend began to say things to me that I had only said to God during prayer time and it hit me, this was the help I said I wanted. *smh* He sometimes puts the dishes in the wrong cabinet but hey they’re clean and I didn’t have to do them. He’s not perfect but God hooked us up so it will be alright 😀
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Oh, I love your comment. So very true. I think about the fact that my hubby takes off his shoes at the door after he comes home from work. Each and every pair comes off before he makes it upstairs to the closet. Instead of nagging over shoes not being in their “proper” place, I am thankful he goes to work and comes home to his family. As long as he does that, he can do whatever he wants to do with his shoes.
We just gotta learn to release some stuff!
Jassmine NA says
I like how you said that “We just gotta learn to release some stuff”. Right now I’m looking at a pile of my hubby’s clothes he just took off, laying on the bed and not in their “proper place”…lol! Meanwhile he is in their on the couch, feet kicked up, watching a kid movie called “AstroBoy”. If I ask him is he going to get his clothes off the bed and put them up, I will receive his usual reply “I’ma put em’ up once I do this or that which never gets done, or when I go to put them up he’ll say “I was just about to do that”. I just release, because I thank God he is at home(not as my mother would say “loping'” the streets), watching a clean and pure movie, and loves God and his family! I’m learning as wives, we have to learn how to keep thanksgiving on our lips for our husbands, family, and really everything so that way we stay content in Jesus, less stressed, and pleasing to God where he gets the glory! He said in EVERYTHING give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus! I’m learning to be a wife in the will of God, by first giving thanks! #gettingmyhouseinorder #everythingelsethenfallsintoplace
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Yes, Jassmine. It’s not that serious in the big scheme of things.
Beth Mimi Johnson says
WOW…..what a great article! Thank you, I needed that TODAY! 🙂
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
You are welcome Beth. So glad it spoke to you.
Cindy Taylor says
One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that usually the thing that “drives you nuts” about your spouse is the very thing that YOU need to work on! When we become believers, God promises to renew our minds and part of that renewal means that He needs to change US…not them. So when you pray for a husband who is a consistent provider, and he works long hours to offer financial support–it can irritate us that he spends so many hours at work -OR- we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind and praise the living God for the blessing He brought us with a dependable income!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Exactly Cindy!! I appreciate your comment.
Cindy Taylor says
One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that usually the thing that “drives you nuts” about your spouse is the very thing that YOU need to work on! When we become believers, God promises to renew our minds and part of that renewal means that He needs to change US…not them. So when you pray for a husband who is a consistent provider, and he works long hours to offer financial support–it can irritate us that he spends so many hours at work -OR- we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind and praise the living God for the blessing He brought us with a dependable income!
Evemarie says
Well said, Dr. Michelle. I will keep this word close to my heart as my fledgling marriage (26 days) grows 🙂
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thank you for reading and sharing. Marriage gets better with time!!
Jessica says
This article really hit home, I definitely believe God has someone in store for me who will become my better half. I personally believe some people rush into getting married and they overlook their future spouse shortcomings.. Just to say they are MARRIED. I was with a co-worker and she informed us that she had been married 3 times and divorced 2 times. Her exact words were, I love being married, I cant imagine my life NOT being married, and she also said, she would do anything to STAY MARRIED. I would rather be single than married to the WRONG PERSON. If people would stop and seek God divorce rates will decrease drastically.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
“Stop and seek God” — those are words to live by. Thanks Jessica.
Jessica says
This article really hit home, I definitely believe God has someone in store for me who will become my better half. I personally believe some people rush into getting married and they overlook their future spouse shortcomings.. Just to say they are MARRIED. I was with a co-worker and she informed us that she had been married 3 times and divorced 2 times. Her exact words were, I love being married, I cant imagine my life NOT being married, and she also said, she would do anything to STAY MARRIED. I would rather be single than married to the WRONG PERSON. If people would stop and seek God divorce rates will decrease drastically.
Ervin Griffin Jr says
A simple article but very powerful and to the point! So many people don’t realize that marriage isn’t a bulletproof vest and isn’t meant to be so. I would rather be single and happy than married and with the wrong person. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against marriage but someone that is married to the wrong person has to be more miserable than someone that’s single.
The reason I believe (at 37) I am still single is because I am not ready to be married. Right now, I am FINALLY starting to learn about myself and trying to get closer to God. As I do that, it will be revealed whether or not I am meant to be happily single or married.
I would definitely encourage reading this article! Have a blessed day!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
I am just loving the wisdom here. I’m speaking at singles’ conference in a few weeks. I might quote you.
Crystal says
I really enjoyed reading this post. It is so very true. I prayed for that husband that will love me & my kids that are not his and support us like a man should. And yes, he is a workaholic. He will not miss work if he got to go in on a stretcher. LOL! But I love him. Thank you for helping me to understand.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Awww. That is so sweet. Love it. I understand what you mean but we still gotta get our men to go to the doctor or take off when they are sick. That’s another post. LOL.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Can I just say I love the BAMWK family? I LOVE the wisdom here. The media has it all wrong. We know what is right; we just need the space to encourage each other and share it in our own way.
Thanks for sharing and welcoming me into the family.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Can I just say I love the BAMWK family? I LOVE the wisdom here. The media has it all wrong. We know what is right; we just need the space to encourage each other and share it in our own way.
Thanks for sharing and welcoming me into the family.
Lise says
God has delivered who I had been praying for! My soulmate, my Boaz, my friend, MY BLESSING! Thank you Father God…you heard our prayers and led us to one another!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
What a blessing. I am happy for you.
Thetallredrose says
I’ll let ya know the answer to your last question when I meet him. Thanks for the reminder.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
You are welcome.
Nneka Hare says
Wow…… thank you for the wisdom.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
You are welcome Nneka.
SpedTeacher says
I was meant to see and read this article. I hae been married 7 months on the 5th and I am telling you…this is NOT what I thought it was going to be…I should have been extremely careful about what I prayed for…I jumped in very quick and wow, its a struggle some days..Thank you for the article.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Hang in there. It gets better if you all decide to make it work.
Dee says
I love this as well wow! I really want what God has for me as well but sometimes the waiting can weigh on you. But I trust God in this because he knows best!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks Dee. What God has for you is for you. Stay in position.
Briana Myricks says
Loved this post! You’re right; beggars can’t be choosers! I’m confident that God answered my prayers. I prayed for a God fearing, loving provider, and that’s exactly what I got. Can’t beat that!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
That’s awesome. Love your expression of thankfulness.
Davemuemax says
hey i love de post one thing for sure we plan what we need to go for BUT GOD orders out steps in most cases we luck discipline (how much wil it cost for the relation coz submission is simple but costly ) i do respect thy opinion
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks so much.
Who Knows says
This is absolute truth! I prayed for a working man, one who’d love my kids as their own father, and one who views me as a valuable partner…u have described each and everyone of our past difficulties. I say “past” difficulties because I realized early on that he was an answer to my prayers and that he needed to be appreciated in that respect. I had never been with someone who looked like or acted like him so some adjustments to my thinking were necessary and once we got beyond those issues things have been smooth ever since.
God bless you & be well 🙂
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
God bless you too.
Rachael says
I prayed for a husband for nearly a decade before I got married. I prayed for (1) a man that loved God, (2) a man that loved people and desired them to know God, (3) had spent significant time overseas, (4) was 5’9 or taller. The Lord blessed me! I got a Hubby who does love God, loves people, lived in China and is 6’2 :P. Though sometimes I pick out his clothes (because he feels a bit lost knowing what to wear), don’t feed him mushrooms (though I love them), and he struggles with various issues (as I do).
I loved the post, and it really got me thinking. My mom always said, be careful what you pray for — you might get it.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks Rachael for sharing your story.
BMWKguest says
I believe GOD can send you someone who you pray for but when you get that person you may not see the blessing why they were sent. We are given someone (who ever is called to marry) to complement us, bring the best out of each other even through the ugly times. In marriage you learn not just to love but to forgive, communicate, argue, disagree, agree, encourage/uplift, teach, give, receive…(selfless love), things we tend to do with strangers and friends. Im still growing an learning after 5 yrs, and I did not pray for a husband but GOd deferentially orchestrated my union with my husband. I had to allow GOD to show me and teach me to be a Godly wife for my husband; challenges but I am still willing to learn and grow so I can continue to receive Gods blessings upon my marriage. The most important part is the you want someone that loves God more then they would love you.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
So true. It takes a while to see all of the blessings in a person. Thanks for sharing.
egare08 says
as i am in the process of getting to know a guy now. i simply leep those words in mind as a reminder often says becareful for what you wish for you might end up getting it. as i’m getting to know him more am discovering some of the stuff that i been asking for in a mate. now my question is that what do i do when my first relationship he had meet all the criteria but yet he was cheating and now this one also has all the same criteria and now am having trouble with trusting him?
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Ask yourself what are you basing your criteria on. Are you focusing on the right thing?
Mekka says
Very good article. I have been praying for a husband for I don’t know how long. However, I am not sure when God has answered my prayers. I thought I knew, but I don’t.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Hello Mekka. Stay tuned. I am going to answer some readers’ questions about this in the coming week.
Rhonda J. Smith says
Great post, Dr. Michelle. As always, you have given us a balanced look about our view of marriage.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks so much Rhonda. You are such an encouragement.
Stacey Jenkins43 says
Dr. Michelle Johnson I am a single women and I am want to get married some day. could you give me some tips on what i should be doing while i am waiting , i know that I need to spend more time with God and telling him what I want . But I feel that God knows me and so I don’t have to tell him cause he knows me right or wrong. I have pray for him daily and I keep running into the wrong guys. Whats wrong!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Hi Stacey. I have another post coming this week that will answer your question. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading and sharing.
Ms. says
Thank you for this article. I’m almost fab 40, childless and never been married. Recently I became discouraged about my future of having a husband and children. I sat down and thought about it and said, all this ‘time’ I have for myself is not to be wasted in self-pity parties, but rather to work on me and prepare myself for the man God is preparing just for me. 🙂
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Hello Ms. I ditto everything you said. Exactly!
D.Ross says
Wow, I love this article! I pray persistently for the husband of Gods choosing-A man that I will be suitable for. But while Im waiting the more I become ready to meet this man of Gods word….I cant wait…
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
It’s good you are letting God be the match maker . Stay tuned for more on this topic.
Msgos2u says
I love this post! I dated someone while unto high school and later re-connected with them twenty years later. After dating again for a few months, we parted ways after having a huge blowout due to lack of communication. However, I couldn’t get him off my mind and out of my heart. Months later and miserable, I finally said Lord, “I need you to do one of two things, either remove any thoughts, feelings and emotions I have about /for him or restore the relationship” Well, no sooner than the words left my mouth, my phone rang. A mutual acquaintance told me he was visiting, had been inquiring about me and I should give him a call. Reluctantly I called and after talking things out, we are back together for the third time! I knew then and I know now more than ever that he’s “the one” He’s far from perfect but I know in my heart that it was God who answered my prayer!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
I love that story. It’s similar to how me and my husband go together. Thanks for sharing.
Evolme4412 says
OMG I love this article! Speechless : )
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thanks for reading. Please share!
HisRose says
Wow. I really enjoyed this article, thank you. The Lord used it to encourage me. I just turned 34 and I’ve never been married. The last year or so I have strongly felt in my spirit the need to start praying out my desires in a spouse. I’ve even felt very strongly that I needed to “write the vision”. But honestly, I’ve been fighting it, since I’m trying so hard to enjoy where I’m at I’ve really been fighting with God and just resisting the pressure I feel to start consistently pouring out everything that’s going on inside. Thanks so much for your article because it helped me to realize that my desire to pray is of the Lord. Some of what He’s given me to pray are qualities to develop in me as a wife, some of them are qualities I desire in a husband, but even more so I feel the need to pray over our marriage before we’ve even met. I feel the need to pray for unity between us, for loyalty and honesty between us. That we’d be one in our desire for God and that that unity would be evident in our home, that it would be the thing our children remember, etc. etc. etc. Reading your article got me to examine the things I feel the need to pray and frankly once I opened up my heart to that, I realize it must be of God. Will let you know when God sends him along!:) Thanks so much for the article and for the forum.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Please do come back and share with us. And I am so glad the article spoke to you. All in God’s timing, right?
KiaButterfly says
I am a college student who is 21 and waiting.. Now 21 is of course young to be thinking of Marriage but due to what was spoken over my life, and the dreams and visions I have had about my husband.. I am positive that marrige is for me.. I have prayed to God, and have been praying for my future husband in the spirit. Now I must admit I feel courtship is right around the corner but I want to be perfect. I want to build up myself in more ministry, and in God’s Word more. Plus I am after the heart of God, like David, and being a virgin helps me have more power over the Devil. You article has really spoke to my spirit. I am very blessed!
Rstan22 says
Thank you for sharing. That was the first time I have ever thought of it like that. God does answer our prayers. It just may not look like the way we think its supposed to look. I will be mindful of what I pray for and be grateful for how God brings it to me. Bless you. Thanks again for sharing.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
My pleasure. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Seymour says
Excellent article/post. God does answer prayer. I had to learn the hardway the first time I prayed for a spouse and what a difficult relationship that was. I realized I wasn’t specific enough. I learned what to pray for the second time around. My wife is the most tremendous person that I have ever met…
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
That is beautiful Seymour. I know you tell her that all the time!
Latonyawardsummers says
Personally for me I feel I was out of order because I did things backward and I am married to a man I do Love but our situation is he’s locked up and that’s where I met him so i know you can find Love in the oddest places but do God really put you in a place like that? I ? this here and there please give a word for me cause that’s something I’ve been needing I have’nt really had many family or friends that really respect my descion of my marriage
Kandei says
That question can only be answered by God and If you truly know that this is the man that God placed in your life to be your partner than it doesn’t matter what your family or friends think. Use this situation to minister to him and to be his strength, and since he is not able to be there for you, let God be your spouse. Sometimes we do make mistakes and do our own thing, God knows that 🙂 But the good thing is that he’s always right there behind us to pick us up when we fall, as long as we call on Him. My advice would be to seriously pray about your situation. You have already married him, so now it’s time to step up and be the wife that God called you to be. No matter what, YOU do what You know is right in the Lord, and He will bless you.
Hope that helps 🙂
Nlmorris05 says
I’m new to your site but I loved this article. I have been praying for the man of my dreams and more importantly the man I need. And I asked the Father to help me to know him when I see him. To my wonderful surprise he came on a beautiful rainy night and I knew he was “that man”, in my heart when he sat with me in the rain and we talked for hours!! He is all of the most important things that I asked for in a man and the way I feel about and for him I can’t even put into words. I am so thankful that this man came into my life at the time he did……..I am ready to be a wife and mother to a man like him. He makes me feel the things I want and need to feel as a woman and most important he makes me want to step my game up and be a better woman. It may sound corny but sometimes just thinking about him fills my heart so I just cry. I feel so blessed.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Love will surely make you cry! Let the tears fall.
Mskamper says
God does answer prayer, at 19, I prayed for a man that would never leave me. 15 years later he’s still here and we are still married. The lesson for me was in the journey, along the way I learned an awful lot. I began to pray for qualities in this man to grow and for God to teach us to grow together, as to never want to leave one another. People, pray with purpose and be specific b/c our God has sense of humor. 🙂
Having read the article and the comments . I can bodily say am in the right place mentally, doing the right things(Thank u Lord).
However, I think my prayer line should be along this line : Father, I know you have answered all my prayers and more but give me grace beyond measure to deal with all the extras that comes with praying for the MAN OF MY DREAMS… Cos I am sure without a doubt as pointed out in the article that “when we get what we want, we still complain that he is not doing this and that” Well actually God is teaching us something about ourselves.
I believe in prayer and the power of prayer. I believe singles waiting on the LORD should build up their prayer banks.. Pray for yourself, ur spouses, ur children, marriage, ministry etc.
Thank u for this article… God will continue to bless you, your ministry, household and marriage.
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Thank you so much for the blessing. Sounds like you are definitely in the right place.
Darryl says
Wow, this article was very enlightening! 21 years old, and married…what a JOURNEY! I remember praying for a wife at the age of 16 years and at the time for what qualities I knew, I prayed for those things. Funny, God has a great sense of humor, yet, He knows whats best for me. My beautiful wife, has taught me to worship God, not her. She has taught me to get on my knees in prayer and most importantly, she taught me that validation has to come from God, which will make you complete. Oftentimes, we marry for convenience, for display, for validation…not looking at the greater schemes of things, that we make a covenant with that person for lifetime, which includes and not limited to WORK. College has no degree compared to the degrees you get in marriage, Full time employment does not have enough tasks in comparison to marriage. To me, marriage is the medium by which God uses those in it to propel us to our best. Marriage teaches many things, no self help or “get it right,” books could possibly teach. Marriage is; On the Job training. I have to say, I am blessed to have come into this light!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
Awesome Darryl. ” My beautiful wife, has taught me to worship God, not her” That’s some good stuff right there. Bless you and yours.
Pkb354 says
I understand because I prayed for a husband to love me and to be loving father a hard worker and that’s what I got. The flip side I make all the decisions pay the bills because he will earn it but finacially is not responsible, ladies I love my husband but when I prayed I wasn’t specific.17 years and 5 children later we are still going strong thank you Jesus!!!!
Dr. Michelle Johnson says
That’s a blessing. Thanks for sharing that. (I pay the bills, too!) 🙂
Trisha says
This article is so on point. I just say leave it to God and He will direct you. I don’t want to receive something and be disappointed.