,This Sunday is the most sacred of all days for those in the Christian faith – the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Even many who don’t regularly attend church will be making it to the house of the Lord this week. But beyond a packed church, patent leather shoes, new suits, colored eggs, and chocolate bunnies – Easter Sunday means something to your marriage!
Happy Easter, Happy Marriage
In this article:
Jesus Christ died on a cross on a Friday. Then three days later, on Sunday morning, the tomb where He was placed, was found empty. He was then seen alive by multiple groups including 500 townspeople. After meeting with His disciples and giving them further insight into what was about to happen, He ascended back to heaven.
What impact could Easter have on your marriage?
Uniformly, it is understood that the events leading up to and surrounding Easter Sunday secured salvation to all who believe in Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to your marriage?
Well, there is a passage in the Bible that specifies that the events of Easter mean something significant about your ability to live harmoniously in your marriage. In 1 Peter 1:20-24, it says that Christ’s life is an example for us to follow, and through that example, our marriage can flourish:
1. At, and leading up to, the cross, He experienced suffering and was harshly, undeservedly mistreated. Yet, although He could have, He did not repay or get even with those that mistreated Him.
2. He trusted himself to His heavenly Father, whom judges righteously – even when He was receiving unrighteous treatment on earth.
3. On what we now call Good Friday, He bore our sins on the cross. When He then rose from the dead, on Easter morning, it was so that WE might die to the power of sin and live a righteous life.
What would Jesus do?
I think it is safe to say that in marriage we come across days where we have been mistreated, undeservedly. It is also safe to say that at the points that we feel we are being mistreated unfairly there are a few thoughts that come to mind. But, few of our thoughts are about what Jesus would do. Personally, I start thinking about getting even and getting things straight.
However, Jesus trusted the righteous judgment of heaven more than how he was being treated on earth. As a result, those who call themselves Christians can follow his example. They must overcome the urge to deal with each other in an “I’m going to get even” way. Instead, we can love and be loved by our spouse. We know that our heavenly Father is a righteous judge even when we are being unjustly treated.
In fact, after the example of Jesus is outlined in I Peter 2:21-24 it says “Likewise” or “In the same way,” wives should respect their husbands and win their hearts through their character. Then it says “Likewise” or “In the same way,” husbands should live with their wives in an understanding way, so that their own prayers with God are not hindered. Pretty powerful stuff.
This Easter Sunday
This Easter Sunday, you will make your way to church and perhaps to a big dinner later in the day. The events of Easter give your marriage the strength to rise above your hurts. They also help you receive power from heaven. The best way to end this post is with the words at the end of this Bible passage.
To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. I Peter 3:8-9
Be Blessed and Happy Easter!
BMWK: What kind of marriage do you want to have this easter?
Up Next: 7 of the Amazing Riches You Get When You Unleash Christ in Your Marriage
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published in 2011 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
About the author: Edward Lee is an Ordained Minister, host of the blog: elevateyourmarriage.com and Author of two first of their kind marriage books, Husbands, Wives, God: Introducing the Marriages of the Bible to Your Marriage and his new book, Husbands, Wives, God – Weekly Devotions: 52 Weeks of Relationship Enriching Devotions. Follow Edward on his blog or on Facebook at Husbands, Wives, God.
GREAT Post Ed, and I’m not surprised that you and I were on the same accord. I wrote a similar post “Resurrected Truth” https://wp.me/p12ZAh. Yes, how much better our marriages would be if we just followed the example set by Jesus.
Thanks for the comment, I have been checking out your posts. Good stuff as always. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!!
Yes, Happy Easter to all! Today at church I was reminded that life is full of challenges that try all relationships but by having faith, love, and patience, God will find a way out of the darkness.
Be blessed all!