Regardless of how you personally feel about Beyonce, you really can’t deny that this woman is a force to be reckoned with. She is beautiful, talented, and can entertain like no one’s business (trust me, I have seen her in concert). But, behind the glamor and the success there lies this plain girl that reminds us of our sisters, cousins, and friends. She reminds us of ourselves.
Life is But a Dream, the HBO documentary produced and directed by Beyonce, takes a very private look into the life of an icon who has grown up before our very eyes. In the film, Beyonce shares her most intimate thoughts about the things that matter most to her — her daughter and husband. She speaks, openly, about the profound impact they have on her life. She also lets us into her deepest thoughts about her career, her performances, and the struggles she’s faced.
As a woman and a mother I could relate to Beyonce’s thoughts about motherhood. How powerful it is. How much it gives her balance. How being a mother is what made her life complete. It all resonated with me in such a powerful way. And, having experienced a miscarriage myself, her raw emotions about that experience touched me. I know that something so painful is hard for any woman to discuss, but I am so glad she chose to open up about it, because so many women go through it and suffer in silence.
What was also touching was listening to her talk about her love for her husband and what he brings to her life. She mentioned how their marriage is based on friendship, how she’s grown during their journey, and how he has taught her so much. It sounded like what every little girl hopes for when she dreams about meeting “the one.” It left me wondering, how many people feel that strongly about their spouse? How many of us are willing to go there — to love someone that deeply, and let the entire world know.
Beyonce also discusses her relationship with her father and why she had to let go of him as her manager. Mixing business with family can be a very difficult thing, and having the courage to move on from that business relationship had to be hard. I am sure many of us can relate to the challenges that exist with managing our parents’ expectations once we entered adulthood. For me, it was no easy feat.
Prior to watching the documentary I thought I would simply walk away with this feeling of how human Beyonce truly is, but I actually walked away with more than that. After viewing the film, I felt empowered. I know there are critics who wanted more, but I think she delivered in a way that’s classy and honest. She let us in, while still maintaining the sense of privacy she has a right to.
The film reminded me that love is real, God is real, and with those forces behind me I could never go wrong. Being a woman is powerful thing, regardless of what your career is or where you find yourself in life. Being a woman also comes with a heavy burden at times, but the possible rewards are beyond measure.
Thank you, Beyonce, not just for giving us a glimpse of your life, but for simply reminding us that regardless of status and wealth, we are all human and this thing called life is as hard as it is beautiful.
BMWK Family — What did you think of Life is But a Dream?
I enjoyed the ‘story’ and how it was told. She seemed honest, real, and no different than anyone trying to live out their purpose in life. We all have a path to travel, but we all may not realize what it is. I liked the way she connected herself to God and acknowledged Him, so she knows where her help comes from. Also, I didn’t feel that just because her life is full of great things and money that she didn’t GET IT… She understands what it takes to make a difference. She understands what it takes to grow and that growth is important. I believe she would have the same values and love in her life even without the money. She’s focused and a willing participant in how she lives… not allowing life to dictate her steps…. she ‘rules her world’. That’s strength and power from within… even in her fears, she presses through. That’s awesome. I can’t wait to see more of the women she’s becoming in the years to come. This is from a woman that’s not a fan of her music, but I’m a new fan of her life and life message.