Here is what some of the people that have purchased the DVD have had to say about it:
Thank you so much for making this documentary! I will definitely be showing it to teens that I work with daily who have no appreciation for marriage because they have not seen successful marriages…I am excited about the culture change that this documentary has the potential of creating. This documentary is excellent and SO needed!
I am a single, 36 year old African American female that has never been married. I have been dating since I was 17 years old. In that journey, I somehow managed to lose my faith in marriage. Probably from seeing my mother twice divorced and the trials and tribulations that she encountered in each marriage. I even started to think to myself that,” marriage is not for me. I would rather be alone….” Watching this DVD has given me a new perspective. There are truly marriages that are UNIONS. Individuals willing to EACH put in their 210% to ensure that their marriage stays strong and is a component in their success. “Marriage is the by product of success” as stated by Ivory.I am now extremely encouraged. Happily Ever After has given me a renewed hope that, when I am blessed with my partner, my marriage has a chance. And as long as my husband and I are communicating, trusting and respecting one another and working TOGETHER to keep everything on track, the word divorce should never find the need to cross our minds.
To the creators of “Happily Ever After: Positive Image of Black Marriage”, Thank you so much. As a woman who was beginning to think that her chance at being happily married may never happen; I am now seeing my own situation in a totally different light…..
Michael and I just finished watching and discussing the DVD. It was the most powerful documentary on marriage that I have ever seen. And the fact that it was created specifically for black married couples was just a wonderful bonus. The interviews were extremely thought provoking. We are committed to being a better example of a successful black couple.This was an absolute blessing to us. I plan to recommend this DVD to everyone-single in preparation for marriage and married alike. Thank you for creating this tool that we can add to our marital toolbox for success.
My wife and I just finished watching the DVD. Thank you so much for taking the time to document images of successful marriages and for spending the time to explain the importance of marriage. It took my wife and I about 2 hours to watch the DVD because we were constantly stopping the DVD to discuss the issues that were discussed. I pray that you continue to have incredible success with this project and your future projects.Hebrews 13:4 says “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage”...” Pray together, and for each other, that you each remain faithful and enjoy the goodness of marriage. Romance is important (read the Song of Solomon together), commitment is vital; honesty is essential and prayer to the Lord necessary.
My husband and I watched this together and thought that this was just a wonderful documentary on Black marriages! After the documentary was over, we continued to have a great discussion on African-American relationships. This was definitely worth the price and I think all Black couples should own a copy. Well done!
This was an excellent documentary. It made me realize that I am not crazy and you can have true black love. It has been on my heart for a while that some time in the near future, I just want ot invite couples to the house to have a rap session on relationships. I think this documentary will be a usefull tool as a focal point. Thanks for such a wonderful tool.
Black America no longer has an excuse to buy into the stereotypes embedded by the media in regard to how we live and love. Black love is alive and well – and thanks to Ronnie and Lamar Tyler, the producers of the groundbreaking documentary, “Happily Ever After”, it’s finally caught on camera and documented for the world to see!For so long, Americans were led to believe that the Huxtables were simply an idealistic example of what black families could be, yet this documentary exposes and dispels the myth that the black family no longer exist. What I personally appreciated was that this film focused on the positive aspects of marriage. Too often we see and hear of the struggles couples go through to maintain their unions, yet rarely do we get the opportunity to experience and witness the happiness, commitment, and respect many black couples share around the world.
It is beyond refreshing to view intelligent black men on film discussing their love and appreciation for their wives, commitment to their children, and desire to be positive leaders and role models in their families and communities.
Empowering, compelling and insightful, “Happily Ever After” is the uncut, reality check and wake up call that will encourage, inspire and educate anyone that supports black love at its best!
My husband and I watched together and I have to say we loved it! It was so refreshing to see such awesome and real examples of black marriage. I can honestly say I haven’t seen anything like this before. It should be watched by families, not just a husband and wife. It’s important for our young people to know that black marriage is alive and well. They hardly ever get an opportunity to see it displayed this way. Kudos, applause, hoorays to both Ronnie & Lamar for bringing your ideas and passion to life and sharing them us. Excellent, excellent job!!!
Thank you so much for making this documentary! I will definitely be showing it to teens that I work with daily who have no appreciation for marriage because they have not seen successful marriages…I am excited about the culture change that this documentary has the potential of creating. This documentary is excellent and SO needed!
This documentary is truly awesome, and just what we need! What struck me the most were the statistics. We are so busy in our day-to-day lives that we do not pay attention to what is truly going around us. Thank you for exposing the truths, and for giving us something to think about. The message is clear — black marriage and black familie can be positive and uplifting, and we need to perpetuate the positive. Also, I love the pictures in the opening credits. Very strong and powerful images. I am passing this on to my single girlfriends and anyone who is on the road to matrimonial bliss! Best to you!
Image is everything! Thanks for doing something that has been desperately needed in our community. This film is definitely educational for those planning to get married and therapy for those who are already married. Thanks for listening to your calling and putting this together. I will definitely be a blessing to those who see it.
This movie was awesome! It’s a definite must see!! It exposed the truth that was always around me, but I never really paid attention to regarding black marriage. It made me want to get married even more. Listening to some of the couples speak, had me questioning “can I be that for my help mate?”. They also made me say “hmmmm that’s something to think about.” I bought the DVD at the premier and showed it to my friend. She enjoyed it as well, and the special features!!! They Tyler’s out did theirselves on this first film, cant wait to see the sophmore project!
Thanks for posting this. I had a very similar conversation about this today. I look forward to seeing this film.
I have yet to see It and I think I’ll enjoy It just from what I read on this site Ive Ben touched!.