Okay, so last week I shared with you about my grocery store experience, but now I think I have one that has to top that!
My little girl turned 1 over the weekend, so we had her very first birthday party! Before you going thinking that sounds all cute, I hope you’re fully aware of how exhausting planning and executing a birthday party is! I feel like I woke up with a birthday hangover this morning. Between the planning, spending, booking and 5011 kids showing up here, I was exhausted. Can anyone relate?
Well, here were four hard-earned lessons I learned from my daughter’s party:
1.My wife is addicted to Pinterest!
I never knew how many creative ideas were on Pinterest until every 5 minutes I was getting a text or a picture, asking “what do you think about this?” or “Should we make these?” from my wife.
So me, being a guy, I’m not hard to satisfy, so my answer was usually “oh that’s nice” or “that’s cool.” But then you know she had to take it 10 steps further and ask me “which one do you like better,” and almost every time, of course, what I would choose would be the opposite of what she WANTED me to choose. And at that point, I can’t simply pick one over the other, I have to explain my answer…I felt like I was in school all over again!
2. I’d rather buy it than build it!
Sooooo, I’m all for my wife undergoing the cute little process of making decorations by hand and making and assembling the food, but if you can buy the finished product already done, then why not!?
Yes, it might cost a little more money to do it that way and it might not be personalized, but I was willing to put it in the budget. WELP! My wife decides she wants to make everything anyway. Well, the way I see it is if I tell you to just BUY it, you can’t get mad at me if I don’t want to spend time BUILDING it. What do y’all think?
3. Kids have UNLIMITED energy!
I saw these 1- to 5-year-olds on level 10 for three straight hours. Cake was everywhere, bubbles were flying, balloons were popped, candy eaten, diapers changed, crying, laughing….whooo I’m getting tired while typing. My little girl was right along with them, too, batting 1000 and bouncing off each of the four walls in the room. Why?
4. Just enjoy the moment!
I can’t believe it’s been one year of life already for my first born, and I am just grateful that my wife and I kept her healthy and alive for her first year of life. Of course, it’s been an adjustment in how we live, but it’s given us new meaning to WHY we live, and I am appreciative for that blessing.
All in all, my wife and I survived the first birthday party, but I must say my wife is the real MVP. She planned that party from beginning to end, and it was great. Her attention to detail and her desire to want to make it perfect for her baby was impressive.
She did come to me afterward though and whispered in my ear “I’m never doing this again; I’ll just BUY it all instead of BUILDING it next time!” So, yup, I wasn’t being lazy I just had foresight! (pats self on back) Happy Birthday, Kinsley!
BMWK, have you and your spouse ever gone through an ordeal like this while planning for a party? Tell us about it?
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