My marriage would be a total failure without God. Matter of fact, my life would be a mess too. That’s why when someone asks why I write so much about God when I am supposed to be writing about marriage, I reply:
If it were not for God, I wouldn’t be married.
May I be real?
Without God, I’d probably curse my husband and child everyday.
Without God, I’d let small things turn into huge arguments.
Without God, I’d stress about bills, payday, and student loans.
Without God, I’d withhold sex and intimacy just because I’m tired or mad.
Without God, I’d nitpick and criticize just because.
Without God, I’d focus on my goals and my needs more than my family’s.
Without God, I’d stop communicating for days, even weeks, out of retaliation.
Without God, I’d be slow to forgive and quick to blame.
Without God, very few people would want to marry me.
Other the other hand,
With God, I control my tongue and season my words with grace.
With God, I give thanks for what I do have and for the man God blessed me with.
With God, I don’t stress so much about bills and payday because I know God will provide.
With God, I try harder to extend my body and my heart to my husband even when I’m tired.
With God, my dreams become “our dreams” and my plans become “God’s plans.”
With God, I lose sense of time when having an intimate conversation with my husband.
With God, we are more powerful, more loving, more trusting, more ONE than we are without God.
With God, small things are just that. . . small things, because my God is bigger than anything.
I am not too proud to admit that without a power bigger and wiser than us, my husband and I would be lost. . . if not divorced. So, not only do I reference God in my writing, but I also reverence Him in my life. My marriage isn’t perfect, but the God I serve is. And, as long as we keep Him first, we will be just fine.
BMWK family, what’s the impact of your faith in your marriage?
Click here for more articles from Dr. Michelle.
ttjam says
i love this, i cant wait to share this with my married and soon to be married friends.
Dr Michelle says
Thanks for sharing.
Aliscia says
WOW! This was AMAZING! And everything I needed to hear this morning. I grew up in church and always kept God in the forefront of my life even in the midst of storms. Since I have gotten married I have maybe been to church less than 10 times (in 3 years). I do not handle things as well as I had in the past and I do feel lost. I always felt like I should and need to go to church but this just put things into perspective for me. This is exactly what I am/have been doing and the reason why 🙁 Thanks for sharing! I am definitely going to get back to where I was previously
Dr Michelle says
Hi Aliscia,
So glad this was a word in due season. I pray you reconnect with the God in you.
Monique says
No truer words have been said. This is the only way my marriage could work. Those moments when I’m feeling selfish, God whispers un my ear and reminds me what he requires of me.Without God, I wouldn’t have even chosen my husband because at that time in my life, my judgement was off.God is the center of our union and the glue that holds us together.
Dr Michelle says
Isn’t it something when God whispers to you? He’s an ever present reminder of the covenant you made. Priceless!
Niambi says
Thank you Dr. Michelle! God is the only way marriage will work. There are no exceptions.
Dr Michelle says
You are welcome Niambi.
2happy says
My husband and I are atheists and have all the things listed in the article. Our marriage and family is and always has been very strong and happy. It doesn’t make sense to say only religious people can have functional marriages.
Jacqulyne says
Dr Michelle says
And amen!
Antoinette says
Hmmm…which God exactly?
Reggea says
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The God of Mozes, Daniel and David, The “I am”, The Alpha and Omega, The God Father of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer, Saviour, Healer and Provider; Our Messiah.
C.W says
All I can say is WOW!!!!!! Im dealing with the first half of the above mentioned post with my spouse. GOD IS TRULY NEEDED IN MARRIGES for it to work, well said Dr. Johnson.
Co-Pastor McRae says
A three-fold cord is not easily broken. I too agree that without God I wouldn’t have a successful marriage. Daily I am amazed and blessed by the third cord that keeps me and my husband walking together in the unity of the faith, victorious in all things, especially in our love toward one another and the witness to our family and friends. God bless sis, keep on keeping on!
VAnessa hall says
These are so true refreshing and lifts a sistas soul to the max.