by Harriet Hairston
It’s just not smart to ask God for patience. I’ve learned more and more over the years that He is the master Comedian, and will make sure that a person gets what they want in a way that’s unforgettable.
The only thing is, in this particular instance, I didn’t ask for it. I think it’s the final frontier…the last clues for this episode of Jeopardy that will ultimately determine my game ending or moving forward to the next round.
When it comes to marriage and motherhood, the following questions arise to the answers before me:
- For $100, this is the thing you thought you would have no trouble at all finding, but it turns out the process would take a little longer than you anticipated. What is “finding a job,” Alex?
- For $200, the age difference between where you were in Louisiana to where you are now in North Carolina for children to attend school. What is “one whole year,” Alex?
- For $300, the person you find yourself blaming for your current living arrangements and financial difficulties. Who is, “Mr. Incredible,” Alex?
- For $400, DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!! For $5,000, the household item you need to look at when wanting to point fingers in frustration. What is “the mirror,” Alex?
Boy, I’m on a roll now! I’m learning lessons and moving forward in ways I never thought possible. This experience reminds me so much of basic training…every day there’s misery, but in the midst of hunger, exhaustion and emotional challenges, along the way, God shows Himself and His strength in a new and interesting way, and I make it to the end more grateful and humbled by the entire experience.
Finally, for $500 and the game, the virtue you could use more of during this difficult period of growth. Alex, BMWK, I’m going to have to say, “What is PATIENCE?”
That the right answer, but what’s the prize? Well, with time, I’ll develop more of that elusive quality. When you think you’ve got it, along comes a challenge that proves you need more of it.
But in the meantime, I think I’ve got my formidable challenger on the ropes. You know her…she’s often irritated by little things and frustrated by issues not within her control. She’s impatient and grumpy and likes to justify her wrongdoing by pointing fingers and the sources of her consternation. Yeah…that opponent is ME. And this time, that side of me is going DOWN!
God bless!
~ Harriet
Harriet Hairston is a woman who slips and slides in and out of labels (military officer, human resource manager, minister, mentor, spoken word artist and teacher). The only ones that have stuck so far are “wife” and “mother” (the most important in her estimation). The rest have taught her well that only what she does for Christ will last. There is one more permanent label she holds: “author.” You can purchase her first book, “Who Are You?” simply by clicking on the link. You can also contact her at [email protected].
Take it down and keep it down. Have faith that something great is around the corner and keep pushing to get to it. You have success written all over you, now is the time to seize it.
I relate to this in so many ways. When I ask God for patience, quieting my mouth, submitting, direction… he seems to hand them to me on a silver platter and asks, 'Now what you gon' do with them?' Better yet situations arise, come-a-knockin' and I can almost hear the Lord saying, 'This IS what you asked for, right?' Asking and timing are funny things… they're coming, am I ready?!
God bless Harriet.
Timing is eveything. We may not ask for what we may pray for, but we always get what GOD knows we can make something out of.
I like this and I know your opponent very well. I've battled with her myself…often. Thank you for posting this and I am so thankful to God for being the ultimate example of patience. We're growing…
As usual Harriet I can relate to your article. I remember when my husband relocated our family, I had to take a serious pay cut, the people here are not very friendly (still after 4 years), our children started having serious rebellion issues, financial hardships started to rear it's ugly head due to my inability to find a job right away. I of course blamed my husband for it all. I spent at least 2 1/2 years crying myself to sleep every single night. I hated my job, our house, basically just everything about this new city we live in. I can remember being in the shower crying my eyes out asking God why he hadn't changed my husband yet?? What nerve, but I did. God fixed me really good because he allowed me to see that he was working on me and whatever he was doing in my husband was between him & my husband. Now 4 years later I can say I learned more about myself than I ever had before, not to mention I had an opportunity to see the people I thought were my friends back home, really weren't. God revealed some things about my husband & I that would never have been revealed if we had not relocated. I am not the perfect example of patience that I would like to be, but I thank God I'm not what I use to be. I am growing more and more everyday. (I still don't like the place we live, but I'm trying to be patient with that as well) Have a great day!
Belindan63, that was a powerful comment. Supporting your husband and up rooting the family is not a easy thing to do. I love the line, that whatever GOD was doing in my husband was between him and my husband. A good man is hard to find, a hard working man with a wife by his side is “priceless”. May GOD continue to bring blessings towards your family.
LOL. I have two different email accounts for this site. I just pick the one that my fngers type the fastest. I love the pic of my two beautiful daughters. I now remember which email to use for their pic to show up.
For $400, DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!! For $5,000, the household item you need to look at when wanting to point fingers in frustration. What is “the mirror,†Alex?
I Love it!