Natasha Nicholes is a dedicated wife and busy mom, but she still finds time to serve as the Box Tops For Education coordinator for her local school. We wanted to know why the Chicago native decided to take on this effort and how it’s benefited her and the school. Below is the full interview that we conducted with Natasha. For more information on the Box Tops program you can visit the website
BMWK: How long have you been your school’s box tops coordinator and what inspired you to take that position?
NATASHA: I have been the box top coordinator for my school since 2005. I was inspired to take the position when I saw that other parents in the church that I attend were collecting these and super excited about them. It took a long time to get the ball rolling, but I’m confident, that it will only get better.
BMWK: What are your duties as your school’s BFTE coordinator?
NATASHA: My duties consist of creating monthly contests for the children and teachers to participate in, creating and printing off collection sheets and correspondence for the parents, and being the biggest cheerleader for the BTFE program that the school will ever see.
BMWK: What are some of the ways that your school has used the money earned from BTFE in the past?
NATASHA: We’ve donated some money to school buses, a yearly end of the school carnival, and little gifts to keep students and staff motivated.
BMWK: Why do you think more parents and schools, especially in the African American community don’t get involved with BTFE?
NATASHA: I think that the parents and schools don’t get as involved as they can because there is a lack of information going out – especially with a disconnect of parents who use the internet and check their email and other web sites daily. Sometimes the BTFE items can be perceived as a little more expensive than parents like things to be.
BMWK: What is the one thing you would want other parents to know about BTFE?
NATASHA: A little goes a long way. You may only be able to send in 25 box tops a year, but your box tops combined with the box tops of others really add up! Make sure that you are also asking all family members and friends to collect with you. Send them thank you’s and let them know that you appreciate them helping make sure that your child’s school is maximizing the dollars that they can get.
BMWK: Why should our readers make sure that their school is an active participant in BTFE?
NATASHA: We all know that budgets are being cut across the nation. With several families having more than one child, it gets hard for them to be able to participate in all of the activities that they want to. It is also difficult for teachers to be able to get lots of supplies for their classrooms or even take their classes on field trips, or learning expeditions. Schools benefit because this is money that they don’t have to apply for, or work very hard to receive. The return on the investment is fantastic, and the participating brands with the BTFE program make sure that we have plenty of opportunities to earn regular and bonus box tops throughout the school year and even the summer months.
To learn more about the Box Tops program and how you can become a coordinator visit
BMWK – Does your child’s school collect Box Tops? Are you cutting them and sending them in? Do you have tips on getting the schools and parents involved in the Box Tops program?
Disclosure: Ronnie and I are paid spokesbloggers for the Box Tops For Education program. We will be providing information and stories throughout the school year in hopes of encouraging our community to take advantage of the millions of dollars that are being given to schools across the country each year.
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