The most memorable moment of my life was underway. It is my wedding day, and everyone who has played a major role in my life and my wife’s life were sitting before us. The music begins to play and she proceeds down the aisle with her Father. Now, most men are staring at their bride some, even crying. I actually had a flash back to the life changing experience I had with God eight years before.
This experience was me almost giving away something very valuable to someone who did not deserve it. God encountered me in that moment saying, “Jamal if you compromise now, you will compromise for the rest of your life, and trust me I have someone much better for you.” I halted everything, kicked the girl out of my room, got on my face declaring to God I would no longer serve Him half-hearted, but I was going all in.
That was the day, I died.
The flashback felt like a quick second, but when I came back to reality, my bride had made it down the aisle. I now had tears in my eyes as God’s words spoken to me eight years before were being fulfilled. I stood hand-in-hand with my bride, both being virgins, ready to commit our lives to one another.
Galatians 2:20, which is one of my life verses, states, “For I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me, and the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me, and gave Himself for me” (ESV).
Your future marriage will require you to have the ability to be selfless and put your spouse before yourself. Dying to yourself and picking up your cross daily is the number one prerequisite for living a life hidden in Christ. This will result in you learning how to serve your spouse each day and love them unconditionally no matter the cost.
In a day and time where we exalt our needs above others, it is very easy to take that mentality into marriage.
It will take much discipline and the consistent application of God’s word to live this lifestyle, but once you tap into the joy of it, you will understand why it all becomes worth it. Your love story does not begin when you meet your spouse, it began the day you said, “I will best prepare myself for the union that will last a lifetime.”
BMWK, What is the most memorable moment for you when it comes to marrying your spouse?
Renee says
Excellent account. Two snaps and some praise!