Approximately two years ago my husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and about this time last year I was diagnosed with hypertension. The diseases run through our blood line and neither one of us did anything to prevent them.
At the beginning of the year, my husband challenged me to a “No pop” fast, and I reluctantly agreed. I’m not a heavy drinker because, frankly, I don’t like the taste of alcohol. So my drug of choice was Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. When I was stressed, I could hear the bubbles calling my name. What I didn’t know was that this “no pop” fast, would turn in to an all out lifestyle change.
We’ve all gone through our doctors telling us we need to lose weight or our dentists telling us that candy is really the devil to our teeth… after all that’s their job. Do we love our partners enough to challenge them on their lifestyle choices? I know how comforting sweets can be, and I know how much my husband loves Butter Pecan Ice Cream. But I also love him enough to challenge him when he puts it in the basket at the grocery store, because it’s not good for his health. I love him enough to throw out the candy bars when I find them and to ask him every day, sometimes several times a day, has he taken his medication that helps to regulate his blood sugar.
In my case, my honey lovingly grabbed my “kangaroo pouch” and mentioned that I was gaining weight. Initially I felt defensive, but before anything came out of mouth, I remembered that my husband’s job is to challenge me to be the best version of myself, in every way – including physically. We had actually built a gym when we first moved into our home a couple of years ago – outfitted with a treadmill, a weight bench, a step platform, a weighted hula hoop and free weights.
My husband and I agreed that together we would get dressed, and watch each other work out for moral support. While one person uses the treadmill, the other either works on the computer or watches TV and vice versa. Working out is a challenge, but to look up and see my husband, preparing for his own workout, smiling at me, or cracking open a bottle of water for me is motivating and comforting. So many couples are enablers, but my husband and I love each other enough to challenge each other to be better.
BMWK Family: Do you challenge your partner’s unhealthy habits? Why or why not?
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