Ok- Bear with us it normally takes a minute for us to get a baby sitter so here at blackandmarriedwithkids.com our movie reviews normally run a lil bit late 🙂 See below for both of our takes on the movie “This Christmas” starring Chris Brown. View the trailer below.
I thought the movie was good but not great and even with the problems the children had I thought they made the family too goodie goodie. I also wasn’t feeling the nicknames for the mother and father, that was cheesey. Â Chris Brown did a good job singing and acting IMO.
Decent film, it did have it’s funny parts. Still trying to figure out why no one called the mother mom, mommy or even ma? Who knows? It was a good film to get you in the mood for the holidays. Delroy Lindo was the man as normal and played a good part but that’s to be expected. Overall I’d say go see it, take a date buy a  popcorn/snack combo @ 20bucks each and enjoy the night.
Yeah, I thought the movie was OK. I mean showing a black man with a white wife and then to add to it, getting put in jail. I wasn’t pleased with the writing. The one daughter with the no good husband and “bs” she was playing too. Haven’t we come a long way from that type of stero-casting? And the Mom who owns her home with grown-ass children just visiting shouldn’t have any say in her sleeping arrangments. I was glad to see so many black actors working, but the was way to long a line dance at the end.
” way to long a line dance” LOL. Funny enough I watched this movie with my family on Boxing day. When we got home we actually tried to reinact the scene.
I thought the movie was a bad take on “Soul food” but the family realtionships were so predictable my neice who’s 7yrs could have added a better climax.
As I live in the UK seeing a black movie,in the cinemas on general release was awesome. So I give top props…….Got nothing on Soul Food thou lol.
I felt this movie had a really nice cohesive family story to it and had some chuckling moments, but got a bit boring as the story went on. Chris Brown was surprisingllt good.
I Hyped This Christmas on Everhype and gave it 84% which I think is fairly accurate.
I wouldnt mind getting some opinions on it . If you get on there, rate me a 5 & request friendship.
What happened to the white girl in the line dance? Didn’t she make the cut. Lol