Pam McKelvy, a news anchor in Memphis, Tennessee, recently brought her viewers to tears as she revealed her natural hair on the air. After battling and surviving breast cancer, McKelvy decided that it was time to take off the wig and reveal her true self to her audience.
While on the air, McKelvy explains, “ I want everyone to know that no matter what you go through, it’s not about what’s on the outside, it’s about what’s on the inside, and I feel, on the inside, I am more radiant and beautiful than I’ve ever been.”
I’m sure McKelvy’s decision is having a positive impact on Black women of all ages and all walks of life. The average Black woman often faces challenges when deciding to go natural, but for a journalist in the public eye, the decision is even more complicated.
Seeming to be at complete peace with what she has gone through and who she now is, McKelvy’s emotional reveal reminds all of us that the ability to accept ourselves is, indeed, a gift.
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