Recently, a woman named Jeralean Talley from Inkster, Michigan, celebrated a milestone that most people never get a chance to celebrate in their lifetime; she celebrated her 115th birthday.
Currently the world’s second oldest person on record (the oldest in the united States), Ms. Talley’s was born in 1899, meaning her life has spanned over three centuries. I can only imagine what she has experienced during her lifetime.
According to the Detroit Free Press, Talley spent her birthday going to the doctor for a checkup, although she said she doesn’t feel sick. She also had plans to celebrate her birthday weekend with friends and family at New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church.
When asked why she has been able to live for so long, Talley responds by saying, “It’s all in the Lord’s hands, there is nothing I can do about it.” She lives by the motto: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
We wish Ms. Talley a Happy 115th Birthday and continued good health.
Renee says
Such a blessing!