Over the last two weeks, we have been discussing many disheartening things about our education system and our children: from finding out that nationally, African American kids are being given out-of- school suspensions at a much higher rate than all other ethnic groups to discovering that some Mississippi schools have a “school to prison pipeline” where they are arresting kids for minor infractions. It’s enough to make you think all is lost.
But there is always something or someone that reminds me that there is hope. As long as we have people that are willing to work on behalf of our children by being involved parents, by being volunteers, and by being community activists, then we have hope.
And this is why I am so happy to share the story of Ivan Jones with you. As a first year band teacher at Selma Middle Chat Academy (Selma, AL), Ivan decided to take matters into his own hands by raising the money needed to purchase additional instruments for the school. So, Ivan became the Box Tops For Education Coordinator for his school.
If you don’t know, Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $475 million since 1996. You can easily earn cash for your child’s school by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. It’s as simple as that! And more schools that are predominately African American need to take advantage of this “free” money!! All it takes is one volunteer that would be willing to get the parents and teachers at their school involved.
Here is what Ivan had to say about his reason for taking on this volunteer role:
“I was excited because it was so simple. I just asked the parents and community to clip Box
Tops, explaining that we could get the funds for the band so students can perform and do well.”
“To some I’m a teacher and a mentor or big brother figure. I love my kids. They inspire me and make me want to be a better teacher.”
“This is an incredible opportunity to earn money; more people should start taking advantage of this (Box Tops.) Even if you don’t give the Box Tops to my school; make a habit to cut them off and when you see a kid that needs it, give them your Box Tops. We all need to do our part regardless if we have kids in school.”
So there you have it folks. We have been talking about how parents need to be more involved. And this is literally an opportunity that will allow you to put your money where your mouth is.
BMWK – Does your school have a box tops for education coordinator? If no, would you be willing to take on that role? If yes, would you be willing to help that person? If your school is clipping box tops, can you give us some tips on things that you are doing well to get the community involved?
Disclosure: Ronnie and I are paid spokesbloggers for the Box Tops For Education program. We will be providing information and stories throughout the school year in hopes of encouraging our community to take advantage of millions of dollars that are being given to schools across the country each year.
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