Over the past two nights TheMom and I have been glued into TVOne for probably the first time ever. We watch the occasional G. Garvin show here and there but I’m talking must see TV. Done in a professional manner. We’re talking about the new TVOne series, Unsung! Here is what TVOne has to say about the show:
TV One presents UnSung, the new series that profiles some of the most influential, talented yet forgotten R&B, Soul and Gospel artists of the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. While Aretha, Whitney, Diana, Stevie, Marvin and the Winans have been recognized over and over again-there are several artists like Phyllis Hyman and The Clark Sisters who haven’t been as honored.
UnSung shows that the true story of Black music in America runs much deeper than the acknowledged superstars. Many of R&B and gospel’s greatest musical pioneers have remained unsung in one way or another. Where are the ‘hall of fame’ achievement awards for late great Donny Hathaway – who influenced a generation of today’s male singers? What about the accolades for pioneering family group Debarge who merged Jackson 5-like teen idol presentation with romantic writing and production, creating music that has been unexpectedly sampled by many of hip-hop’s biggest stars?
Though many of these artists managed to build a dedicated Black fanbase, they were not able to make the transition to superstardom. Why did these artists remain mostly “unsung” to the world at large?
This new and exciting show will reveal the business and personal struggles that kept these artists from achieving the iconic commercial status they deserved. Don’t Unsung only on TV One.
Sunday night’s show was about the late Phyllis Hyman, last night’s show featured the Clark Sisters, tonight’s show is about Donny Hathaway and the next episode centers on the Debarge Family. The show is full of good info you probably didn’t know, and of course good music by some of the all time greats. The shows come on at 10PM EST and then repeats at 11PM. Check the promos below:
Unsung – Phyllis Hyman
Unsung – Debarge
Oh, this has been a great series, thus far, hasn’t it? (smile). I hate I missed the profile on the Clark Sisters because I really don’t know much about them. But I did catch the ones on the Debarge Family, and Ms. Hyman and I hope I can remember to tune in tonight for Hathaway. I’m also hoping TVone plans to continue the series or perhaps do something similar with folks from the acting world.
Loris last blog post..
@ Lori- Did I already miss DeBarge? I thought Sunday’s Phyllis Hyman was the first episode.
TheDads last blog post..BMWKs Greatest Hits VOL I
Mr. Dad (smile)
I saw the DeBarge profile on Thanksgiving night. Perhaps TVOne is going to repeat it. Those DeBarges were something else! (LOL) Actually, to see such talent go astary was kind of sad. So, be sure to watch if it airs again.
Loris last blog post..
I waited all night for the Donny Hathaway and fell asleep 10 minutes before it started. Gonna catch it on rerun
I recorded the Phyllis Hyman episode, but I didn’t get to watch it yet. I read an article on the Debarges a couple months back in a magazine, and your right Lori, they are something else. They had a really tough childhood.
The DeBarge Family episode re-airs tonight at 10 PM, 11 PM and 2 AM ET,and the whole series re-airs tomorrow and Friday nights between 10 PM – midnight. Check TV One’s schedule at tvoneonline.com for which episode airs at what time Thursday/Friday nights.
The series is amazing, and the interviews are outstanding. I didn’t see the Clark Sisters, but I’ll try to watch it, now that I know it’s coming on again. As for the other stories, sad, so sad.
All of the DeBarge children look older than their mother (due to their drug abuse, I’m sure). And, Lord knows I enjoyed hearing Phyllis Hyman and Donny Hathaway again. Their voices: star quality.
Their stories underline our need to address mental illness in the African American community.
Lisa Maria Carrolls last blog post..Suicide: We must deal with IT, or IT will keep dealing with us
Everything that has been said about UnSung is absolutely true! The interviews are great and the stories are some very tastefully. It’s thought provoking and it really shows you that sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side….money and fame doesn’t make you happy! I’ve seen the first two DeBarge ones (they showed my old high school, go Indians!) and the Phyllis Hyman one…..it’s a Must Watch!
This a good program because so far it seems to focus on artists you really don’t hear that much about. I will always be a true Phyllis Hyman fan so i was glued to the tv and dared anyone to say one word to me or it was gonna be a situation. Some artists truly didn’t and still don’t get the recognition they deserved and them some just didn’t go the distance for whatever reason. So its good that this program showcases true talent. And the Debarge family was/is off the chain – all 99 of them 🙂
I absolutely love Unsung! This show is so interesting and very informative. We as Black people need to have more shows like this one to show that we can succeed and love each other at the same time. Keep it up TV one.
I have seen The Clark Sisters, Phyllis Hyman, DeBarge and Donny Hathaway. I’ve learned so much about them. My mother grew up listening to Mattie Moss Clark and from there the The Clark Sisters, so they’ve been in my blood for a long time. Donny Hathaway is one of the greatest male singers EVER! Outside of Stevie Wonder, the rest of the singers out there only hold a part of Donnie inside most of them (I mean the somewhat good singers today, you know who you are:) I held on to Roberta and Donny’s album for as long as I could, until I accidentally sat on it on my bed. I literally cried. Phyllis was in a class all by herself, loved her too. Anyway, I miss Donny terribly but based on what he was dealing with mentally, I know he’s in a better place. GO TVONE!
I saw all 4 episodes of “Unsung” and thought this is the greatest thing since silced bread. Al B Sure does a great job of narrating and the show really goes in depth into the lives of the various atrists. I always loved Phyllis Hyman, and thought she was really a truly remarkable artist and had extraordinary talent. I hope that we will see other artist show cased in this manner, because we truly have other talent out there that was also deserving and never quite made it to the so called top. Great show, keep the episodes coming I will truly be watching for future shows.
MAN that was the best 4 part series that I seen in a while on some great feature artist in the African American community>
All four of the shows on the feature artist(s) on Unsung were a delight to watch. I learned a lot about the different artist, families and the trials they went through in their lives. TV ONE did a awesome job on the interviews and celebrating the good and the bad. Way to go TV one and I hope you continue making this show. I really enjoy celebrating black history from the music piece. AMEN TV ONE
Wow that is an awesome series, what a brilliant idea to bring faded stars into the limelight again explaining what really happened to them…I love it and pray it continues
When will Phyllis Hyman air again I missed it! I saw the Debarges that was so sad.
The Unsung mini-series has to be among the best ever produced. I, like so many others, looked forward to each production and was glued to my TV screen throughout the showings. This project reflects the integrity and quality of that team, which is TVONE.
Thank You
Andrew Denton III
I DVR’d the Phyllis Hyman, Debarge and Donny Hathaway eps, and just watched all three, and I was blown away by how tastefully the docus were handled in spite of the incredible tragedies suffered by all parties involved. I had no idea the Debarge children had such a horrific childhood, and felt so incredibly sad but at the same time grateful that they so generously shared their pain – their stories could be the impetus to help someone in a similar situation get help. Hopefully being so candid will help them on their continuing journey to peace. The Debarges, as well as Donny and Phyllis, suffered from mental illness or depression, and if their stories encourage even one person to get help, even better. Hats off to TV One for airing this! We definitely need more tasteful, informative, thought-provoking programming like this. Well done!
I wasn’t even born when Donny Hathaway passed away but I still cried like a baby when I learned he jumped out of a twelve story building. Its such a shame because the man had incredible talent and his voice was so buttery smooth its like dessert to your ears. The thing I noticed with having Genius talent is your great in your God given talent but sometimes extremely trouble in other aspects of your life.
I saw unsung I think they should make a movie about the Debarge Family’s life not everyone has directv plus they were never forgotten just missed & people wondered what happen?
How can I contact the show about my very dear friend James Phelps who sang with The Clefs of Calvary and the Soulstirres! He sang on the Chess Records Label and had a hit song “Love Is A Five Letter Word” you want to talk about an amazing story!!! His stories about being on tour down south on the Salt & Pepper / Chitlins Circuit will blow you away! He was best friends with Sam Cooke, Otis Redding and Lou Rawls and sang at Sam’s funeral in Chicago! James has performed at Madison Square Garden, The Apollo Theater, Carnegie Hall and on the American Bandstand show when it was based out of “PHILLY” way back in the day! Check out an amazing interview that James did on 4-19-09 on a Gospel Radio Station WHPK 88.5 in Chicago by going to http://www.sittinginthepark.com and clicking on “interviews” and then scroll down to and click on his name James Phelps to listen. You can also Google “music by James Phelps” and scroll down to and click on the JAMES PHELPS INTERVIEW 2002 to read a great story some guys in the UK did with him. His music is still “BIG” in Europe and Asia! To hear some of his music go to “youtube” and type in his name and then click on the search button and go to the 2nd page where I found 4 of his songs! If you can help me tell this amazing man’s story “please advise”
Mike D.
I had grown tired of watching behind the music which did not focus on groups that I grew up listening to. I enjoy learning more from the groups you have presented thus far and I hope to see many more to come.
I would like to say that your show unsung is an excellent way to find out about present and passed famous artist. Here are a few artist that I would like to see featured on your show:
The Ohio players
The Isleys brothers
Alexander O neal
Hall and Oates
Hello to all, this message for all the members, producers, etc of UNSUNG. Great shows, I love hearing about some of my favorite artist of all time! Got one for you, how about G.Q. Got more but one at a time, find G.Q, the New Yorkers!
I think that Angela Bofill would be an excellent vocalist to feature.
Anyone who has followed her career in Jazz and R&B would agree she had a beautiful
voice and was one who could capture an audience with here sultry sweet vocal.
She started out on GRP records in the late 70’s around the same time Phyllis Hyman came on the scence. Angela first album “Angel of the Night” is simply a must for anyone released on GRP 1981.
Angela could do that jazz and R&B with a Latin flair too boot. She was born in NYC in the Bronx.
Unfortunately as Angela career was making a comback and she was touring and had released a new CD in 2006-07 she suffered a stroke which left her incapacitated, in the hospital and sadly without medical insurance. Loved by fans and fellow musicians all over the world . Bofill was fortunate that fans and fellow musicians came to her aid.
Currently she is om the mend; but not sure if she will be able to resume her career or sing again.
Next to Phyllis Hyman , Angela Bofill was one of the great vocalists during the late 70’s and 80’s. Bofill, in my opinion did not quite get the recognition she deserved.
I think her story would be
an excellent feature for “UNSUNG” I would highly recommend it and fortunately she is still alive to add input. Many friends and musicians such as Santana, Narada Michael Walden, Marion Meadows and Roy Ayers just too name a few will no doubt agree that Angela was certainly one of the sweet vocalists of her day.
Word !
Ed C.
I would love to see Maze f/Frankie Beverly. They are truly one of the Unsung. It was good to see the Trumpet Awards honor them
why don’t unsung do a show on the marvelettes or the intruders etc.