Yes, I know. Being single can get pretty frustrating, especially when it seems like everyone around you is “Booed” up with someone.
But, marriage is one of the most impactful decisions you make in your lifetime. And, even before marriage, there comes the process of actually dating someone. So, even who you choose to date has an impact on your life.
Basically, relationships – period – are challenging. So, stepping up to the marriage plate is one that must be done with legit preparation.
This is what makes your single season so amazingly powerful. You have the opportunity to do the one thing that matters more than anything else, take care of your own problems before you involve yourself in someone else’s.
Here are 3 reasons why your single season is the most important season of your life.
You Determine Who You’re Going to Serve
Whether you are spiritual or not, everyone has a god. Your God may be Jesus Christ, or your god may be you. At the end of the day, your single season gives you time to determine who have you given the power to for the direction of your life.
Before you marry someone, you need to make this distinction now. Because in marriage, you will want to serve the same God.
For example, in my home, my wife and I both have surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ. This makes us suitable for one another because we both submit to the same God and agree on the things He requires of us.
You Learn Interdependence
The balance of being independent yet still value dependence is what we call interdependence. It is best to learn this while you are single because it could easily become a problem within marriage. Yes, you should learn how to take care of yourself, but not to the degree that you give off the impression that you don’t need anyone.
Everyone needs someone. Marriage is the ultimate communication of need. Learn how to need others in the healthy form starting now. Establish now the friends in your life who have helped you become what you are today.
You Can Become a Student of Your Purpose
I believe one of the greatest assets you can be to your future spouse is a person with purpose. The Bible states in Genesis 2 that Adam was in need of a helpmate. This doesn’t just apply to women, but men also.
In marriage, you are a helpmate to your spouse to help them become everything God created them to be for the fulfillment of their God given purpose. We all are solutions to problems in this World.
Marriage is the institution by which God joins two people together for the continued transformation of our world. If you don’t begin to better understand why you’re here on Earth, then what is your future spouse going to help you do?
I pray these 3 reasons will continue to challenge you to press into your single season as a season of development, purpose, and an opportunity to value this time of your life as the most important time you have. My favorite quote I will leave you with is, “Everything you do before you say, ‘I Do’ is preparation for marriage.”
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