Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.
There may be someone you know that is leery of marriage for fear they may end up with the wrong person. That’s a legitimate concern because no one wants to get hurt. There are many paths we will take in life and marriage can be one of them. If you desire to walk down that path with the right person, my advice is to allow God to lead you to the right person.
Allow the Spirit to Lead & Guide You
If you desire to have a man/woman who puts God first and therefore will know how to properly love you, trust God with all of your heart. He will give you a man/woman that will love you more than you ever imagined. Trusting God for a spouse will enable you to have someone that puts God first so he/she will know to how to treat you the way you should be treated. You have to not be so quick to settle for the first person that shows interest in marriage. And don’t look at each person you date as a potential spouse because not everyone you date is marriage material. Enjoy the dates, be patient and allow the Spirit to lead and guide you to the right person at the right time.
Our Blessing Don’t Always Look How We Want Them Too
If you are not hung up so much on how good your future husband/wife must look, but are more concerned about the beautiful personality of the person, don’t lean on your own understanding when He gives you a man/woman you would have never glanced at twice. Don’t be so superficial and look for someone that is just pleasing to your eyes.
Looks change with time and if you are not careful, you can end up with someone whose personality is so ugly, it overshadows their good looks. Believe that God knows who is best for you. If you don’t, you may end up passing up a wonderful person because he or she doesn’t live up to your standards. Do like God does and look at the heart of the person, not just the outward appearance.
Do You Want Money or Time?
If you don’t concern yourself with the type of profession a person has, but would be grateful for the income he/she can contribute, make sure you acknowledge Him in all your ways. Know that He is the one that enables you to obtain wealth. Know that He is the one that provides all your needs. Many times you can marry someone for money but forget that they have to work for that money.
You can end up spending many nights alone because he/she has to stay at work to make sure you can have the lifestyle you thought you wanted. Next thing you know, you are stepping outside the marriage to get the attention you need. If you acknowledge Him in all your ways, you build a relationship with Him and you will know when the right person comes along. And on a side note, especially to the ladies, stop looking for a man with money to take care of you; make your own money and when God leads you to your spouse, both of you can take care of each other.
If you trust God for job, a house or a car, will you trust Him for a spouse? You have to make up in your mind to fully trust Him to know who is best for you. Don’t let what you see and what you may think you know be the deciding factor in choosing a spouse. We don’t always choose correctly.
Sometimes people marry someone that God never intended them to marry. And then wonder why they are going through so much hell. It’s because God was never allowed to have his way when it came to the marriage. If more people listen when God tells them no, after the marriage ends they won’t have to say “something told me not to marry him/her.” In everything you do, know God, have a relationship with Him and then He will lead you to the man/woman He has for you.
BMWK family, will you allow God to lead you to your spouse?
AMEN!!! ?
This article really ministered to me. Yes, I am allowing the Lord to lead.
Glad to hear that Renee!