To let go and let God is the only way to manage your past hurts and pains. It can fill your heart with joy, peace, and love so you can heal.
In this article:
How to Let Go and Let God Help You Overcome the Pain and Hurt
A Prayer on How to Let Go and Let God
Learning how to let go and let God is one of the most challenging decisions you’ll ever do. “God, I don’t want to feel like this anymore,” I often prayed before. Teaching myself how to let things go pushed me to assess my strengths and weaknesses in relationships. I had to face a somewhat uncomfortable reality.
I realized I struggled with knowing how to let go of the past. There were still some feelings of hurt and rejection from my previous relationships. Perhaps, you have felt the same way within. You begin to realize it’s time to stop relying on a thin layer of self-defense. You need to take a moment to be honest with yourself. Most of all, you should learn to surrender to God.
I prayed a prayer of release. I am teaching myself how to let go and let God. God is in control. I sincerely release holding on to any feelings that will make me uncomfortable or caught going back.
When you’re in the process of learning how to let go of anger, pride will try to rise and point the finger at everyone else who hurt you. Even if they did, you have to address how you feel and take responsibility for your healing.
I prayed a prayer of release so I can let go and let God have his way. I sincerely release holding on to any feelings that will make me uncomfortable or bring me back. Often we’re expecting an apology to “free” ourselves from those feelings of rejection and hurt.
I don’t need an apology or closure from a person. I needed to release. This form of forgiveness allows God to be Himself instead of you playing the judge or author of your life’s story, needing to control every detail. You don’t have to hold on to the pain (big or small) in the past. You have every right to yield it to the Lord. Know how to let go and let God.
Seeking Wholeness from God
We badly desire to love and be loved. Unresolved hesitations from the past in us, though, can take a toll on our relationships. They can make us appear needy. We become too guarded, bitter, and more. These can lead to being single longer or settling for less than what we truly deserve.
Ultimately, as single believers, we need to seek wholeness in Christ. It includes knowing how to let go and let God handle it. We trust Him with the emotional baggage. We expect Him to sever the soul ties, to cut the roots of hurt and pain from our past, and to heal us from the inside out.
I choose to let go and let God despite the fact the closure may not happen the way I imagined it to be. Let God close the chapter.
We can’t receive something new in our hands if they are already occupied. It’s the same thing with your time, attention, and space in your heart. What was once filled with longings for human affection and past hurt will be an open space for God to work on you and fill you with more of Him.
Start Healing with These Steps
To help you learn how to surrender to God and let go, consider these in your time of self-reflection:
- Forgive yourself and forgive others from relationships and dating seasons that didn’t work out. You may have been hurt, cheated on, or flat out rejected. Forgiveness, though, is the key to moving forward. If you have done the hurting or other wrongs in the relationship, it’s vital to forgive yourself.
- Repent to God of the things you’ve done that don’t please Him. Turning away from those sins and bad habits brings you closer to God’s will for your deliverance.
- Be patient in your walk of healing. This is a daily activity of being honest with the Lord and trusting Him to heal you. His word, love, and presence in your life are the sources of your strength during these challenging times. He will be there for you when no one seems to understand your desire to change within.
How do we forgive those who have hurt us? Watch this video from THE BEAT by Allen Parr:
There’s no easy way on how to let go of someone. The journey is always difficult. When you know how to let go and let God, though, you don’t deal with the past hurts and root issues by yourself. Learn how to surrender to God and let go, and He will fill your heart with love and the peace you desire.
Hey, BMWK fam, how are you handling past hurts in relationships? Share your thoughts below!
Up Next: Ladies, Here’s The One Thing At The Root Of Most Of Your Relationship Pain
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on December 31, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Love it, thank you for encouraging me to forgive, now I truly know the meaning of forgiveness. I going to put more faith and forgive to clear my heart.