At first, the idea of online dating seemed scary. But a new study suggests more Americans are warming up to the concept of finding love online. So much so, the online dating and matchmaking industry has become a huge success.
With more potential mates online, there should be more opportunities to find someone. Right? Yet, the caveat is social media is still a bit impersonal and disconnected. How do you take things from the cyber flirtation stage to an actual first date?
The makers of Dine, the latest dating app to hit the market, think they have the answer. According to the app makers’ research on the Tinder app, only about half of the users who accept a match online will actually go on dates (i.e. All Bait, No Date). Dine intends to change that by placing an emphasis on the first date.
When users set up their dating profile, they are also asked to select three of their favorite restaurants or bars in their prospective cities. The app also integrates the restaurant choices with Yelp. Users can list the option whether they will “treat” for the date or if they desire the date to be a less intimate social meet-up with friends.

Users will see matches filter in with prospective dates and their restaurant choices. If you send a date request and it’s accepted, the date will occur at your restaurant selection (a chat forum opens up for you two to talk and plan the rest of the details). If a request is sent to you, you have the option accept the date along with his or her restaurant pick.
As another feature on the app, users can select from a lists of traits and interests (i.e. film aficionado, book worm, runner, smoker, etc.). This is likely to help those who are either too lazy to write their own profile and/or struggle with the idea of autobiographic marketing.
Dine does other unique things, such as arranging your profile pictures by which are most popular among the other users.
So, BMWK, are you convinced? Is it a date with Dine?
Certainly, more people are interested in finding love online but dating sites are not an option. Dating sites can only get you your next date and nothing else. You can go nowhere with this because people on such sites are only interested in quick hook-ups. If you want to find your soul mate online, I’d suggest you logon to marriage only match-making sites The people who sign-up on marriage only sites are only interested in long-term relationship i.e marriage. So, chances are pretty high if you go with the second option.