If you are waiting for the right person to come along to spend the rest of your life with, I want to encourage you to be patient.
It’s tempting to look at friends and family who are engaged or already married and question God about where your spouse is. Don’t let negative thoughts discourage you while you wait. Don’t let others tell you that marriage may not be for you.
You want to wait for the right person, not settle for the right now person, because you may end up regretting your decision for years or maybe the rest of your life. If you don’t want to make the mistake of marrying the wrong one, here’s what you should possess while you wait.
Staying Power
You have the ability to stand on the Word of God and His promises. Don’t waiver; don‘t doubt. You are committed to what the Word says, loyal to the Word, to God. You won’t go anywhere else.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways; You are unmoved by your situation and your circumstances. You may not, understand but trust God.
You can accept the waiting period. You have self control. You are walking in the Spirit. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. Don’t run amuck while you are waiting for your Mr. or Mrs.
Know that God is in control and He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. He knows the end results. He knows when to deliver.
You are armed with strength, courage. You don’t fear while you wait. Don’t look at your age and think marriage won’t happen for you. God did not give you the spirit of fear, but of peace, love and a sound mind. Philippians 4:13 says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Your family and friends can’t give you this kind of strength.
While you wait, you have the authority and control over any temptation to give up. Don’t give up and settle for anyone. You have influence over your situation by the way you act and speak over yourself. While you are waiting, you control what attitude you have.
While you wait, don’t complain, praise! The children in the wilderness complained because they were not getting to the Promised Land fast enough. Even though God provided everything they needed until they got there, they still complained. God got tired of it, so He told Moses to tell them that they will have what they confess with their mouths.
If while you are waiting, you began to get impatient and start speaking things contrary to the Word, you will get what you say. If you say you’ll never receive what you asked, that you’ll always be single, you’ll never find the right one; don’t get mad when it happens. Instead of falling into that temptation, start praising God!
Be persistent. Keep thanking God for what He is going to do. Speak into existence what you are waiting on. Write it down, put it somewhere you can read it everyday. Be determined that you will be married to the right person.
You have peace about waiting. You know God is going to do what His Word says because He cannot lie. Keep meditating on his Word. Keep your mind on Him, and He will keep you in perfect peace.
God has His own time and He’s always on time. I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to trust Him. Marriage will come, in the meantime live your life. Do not let others speak negatively over you.
Don’t let your thoughts of “I don’t make enough to attract anyone,” “I have too many kids,” or “I didn’t go to college” keep you from expecting your desire for marriage to happen.
God will send someone who doesn’t care how much you make, how many kids you have or whether or not you went to college. Trust Him to bring your wife/husband into your life and be patient.
BMWK family, what else can the single person do while waiting for a spouse?
I really enjoyed reading this article. Thanks!!!
Thanks Sharon!
Thanks Sharon. I could apply this to not just my being single and wanting a husband, but also the situation I’m facing now. Thank you and God bless you and continue to instill His Word in you.
thanks a lot for this article.im so encouraged
You are welcome Feson!
I needed this today, Thank you so much!!
No problem Nikki! 🙂