It’s officially Summertime!
We all love Summer, especially if you live up north like myself. One thing that is guaranteed is more time on your hands to get out and be active.
In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul is instructing Timothy on how to handle young widows, telling them that he should instruct them to remarry because it is easy for them to form the habit of being idle and wandering from house to house. Not only do they become idle, but also gossips and busybodies, saying and doing things they ought not do. This is all because of them having more time on their hands.
It is very easy to fall into various sins and spiritually draining situations, simply because everyone else around you may be doing it or because of loneliness. Don’t give in because of your current season, but embrace this season for all that God has intended it to be for you.
I want to give you some tips on how to stay Sin Proof this Summer all the while resting and enjoying every minute of it:
- Make a list of things you want to accomplish over the Summer.
- Take up a new hobby. Learn an instrument, paint, go fishing, etc
- Start a Bible Reading Plan. Do a 2 month plan to read the New Testament or some other study.
- Increase your devotion/prayer time. Utilize this time to really dig deep in the things of God.
- Establish an Accountability Partner. Stay accountable with someone on your plans for the Summer.
- Get an extra Summer job or if you have one, ask for more hours. Summer time is a PERFECT time to MAKE money.
- Volunteer at a Camp or a Non-Profit Organization. I’m serious! Go google “camps” in your area.
- Travel, get out of your town and go somewhere.
- Develop a greater relationship with your Spiritual Leaders. Set up meetings with a mentor/leader in your life.
- Spend valuable time with your family and friends.
These are just a few things that are great ideas to ensure you have a productive Summer. I encourage you, don’t be idle but good stewards of the time that God has given you.
Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing -Thomas Jefferson
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