My husband has been working long hours…like REALLY long hours since returning to a traditional kitchen. He usually works about 12 hours at a time depending on what’s going on. When he gets home, I am either in the middle of my second dream or too tired to do anything more than say hello. The afternoons are usually a good time for both of us to exercise our freedom to be spontaneous because he’s got to sleep in a little, the baby is napping, and the older kids aren’t home from school yet.
I wish I could use that, “I’m tired” from working at the house all day, or that “the kids have been too much, I’m not in the mood” excuse. Friends. That man doesn’t want to hear any of that. He works just as hard if not harder. Those afternoons when I know it’s going down, I make a little “turn up” tea in the morning, by lunch time, its ready. I guess you would compare it to a Winter Sangria. It’s loaded with aphrodisiacs and sure to put a little spice in your winter sex life!
“Turn Up” Tea
(Makes about 2.5 quarts)
4 bags Pomegranate Tea
2 quarts of water
1 in. piece of Fresh Ginger, peeled
1 Cinnamon Stick
½ c. Honey
1 Green Apple, diced
1 Pear, diced
½ c. Pomegranate Arils
Juice of one Orange
Juice of ½ Lemon
1 Orange, segmented or sliced
A few thinly sliced pieces of Ginger (optional)
1 ½ c. Red Wine
In a saucepan steep ginger, cinnamon stick, and tea bags, to prepare tea to desired strength. Add honey until dissolved. Add more if you like it sweeter. Let cool. In a small bowl, toss fruits in lemon and orange juice. Add fruits, and wine to tea and let chill. (Or serve warm if you’d like. It’s cold outside. You know it’s cuffing season. 😉
BMWK, what day this week will you make this tea?
Thanks for sharing…the 1 1/2 cup of red wine will do the trick too lol.