I have heard time and time again that men and women tend to “let themselves go,” after getting married. Everyone has an opinion about why this happens and what it means to the quality of a marriage, and it’s really hard to determine how much it impacts a marriage. And the thing is, it can happen to the best of us. It creeps up without notice. I have to admit that I have … [Read more...]
New Study Finds Opposites Don’t Attract, So Leave Him Alone
If you’re once again thinking you can change him, think again. According to a new study from researchers at University of Kansas and Wellesley College, individuals with opposing personalities and interests are less likely to pair and/or adapt for their partners. So if he’s not on your wavelength now, don’t bother working on him because he’ll likely never change. “Change is … [Read more...]
The Power of Choice – How to Stop “Attracting” the Wrong Men
Physical attraction is the most immediately accessible form of attraction. When you first encounter someone, their physical appearance is all that's available for consideration without having any formal or informal interaction with them. Most often, if there is no physical attraction, there is little opportunity for any connection to take place. There is no urge for a man to … [Read more...]
Why Bad Boys Win Girls and Good Guys Only Friend Girls
"Bad boys aint no good Good boys aint no fun Lord knows that I should Run off with the right one..." -Mr. Wrong by Mary J. Blige When was the last time you heard a song that celebrated the virtues of a good man? That same representation is lacking in film, television, and all other forms of entertainment. Popular culture celebrates the "bad boy" while deriding the good … [Read more...]