Money and finances are one of the top 3 reasons cited for divorce. It is a very important topic couples must deal with. It erodes a lot of people’s marriage and brings about unbearable stress in the lives of couples. As a couple, you need to have an open and honest dialogue about this topic of money. First, think about how you grow financially within marriage. After you’ve … [Read more...]
3 Things Every Woman Should Know About Love and Money Before Getting Married
Before I got married, I spent nearly half of my life dating. Yes, half! In the sixteen years that I dated and dated and… dated, I learned a lot about the role that money plays in relationships. Even though money is that one thing that no one likes to talk about in a relationship, I can tell you that as a married woman, money plays an extremely significant role in how … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The One Tip to Prevent Financial Disaster
Like stepping off a cliff… That’s how it can feel facing some of our largest life purchases. Jaw dropping anxiety accompanies thoughts of massive car payments. You start to second guess whether or not you'll be able to handle the new mortgage. Adding to the pressure is the fact that we often consider the largest house or most luxurious vehicle we can afford. Miraculously, … [Read more...]