Whether she's standing up or sitting down, Ava DuVernay is one director who is a force to be reckoned with. Her fans think so and petitioned Mattel to make a Barbie Doll in her likeness. Well, apparently, Mattel Toys thinks so too. The Selma director is the latest African American celeb to snag her very own Barbie doll and the dreadlocked beauty goes on sale today. Check it … [Read more...]
What Do Barbie and Zendaya Coleman Have in Common? It’s Historic!
She has been making headlines for showcasing, defending, and protecting black culture. Now, Zendaya Coleman is making major headlines as the latest African American celebrity to have a Barbie Doll in her honor. Inspired by her 2015 Oscars look, the historic doll is sporting amazing long dreadlocks and is a seriously cool replica of the singer/actress. Congratulations … [Read more...]
Mattel Gives Ava DuVernay Her Very Own Barbie!
By Angela Bronner Helm Ava DuVernay, director of the seminal film, “Selma” (which will be distributed to every single high school in the country) and the first African American woman at the helm of a Best Picture nomination at the 2014 Academy Awards, has yet another accolade deservedly laid at her feet. The director was recently selected as one of six “Sheroes” who are … [Read more...]
[Video] Nigerian Doll Created by Man is Now Outselling Barbie
Nigerian native, Taofick Okoya, 43, was having a horrible time trying to find a doll for his niece. There was nothing that represented their color or culture, so in 2007, he created Queens of Africa. It's a doll line Nigerian girls could identify with. Queens of Africa has become so popular, it is now outselling Barbie in his country. [youtube id="-vwch0LLPks"] The doll … [Read more...]