I think lists are awesome. How would I get anything done without a list? I’ve tried and I can tell you that although things still get done, it’s a whole lot harder. I forget stuff. I don’t do things in a timely manner. And worst of all, I end up feeling a lot more stressed than I would have if I had just used a darn list. With that in mind, I hope this list of 20 elements for a … [Read more...]
9 Common Sense Things Happily Married Couples Just Don’t Do
It’s fair to say that when most people get married, they hope for happily ever after. Why enter such a serious commitment if you aren’t in it for the long haul? And why say, “I do,” unless you plan on sharing days of joy with the one you chose? Although talks about high divorce rates and infidelity can make people think happy marriages are only on TV, that just isn’t true. … [Read more...]
I Asked My Wife Did She Regret Marrying Me? And, Here is What She Said
This weekend my wife and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary by renting a country guest house on a small piece of land in Wimberley, TX. A few short weeks ago Wimberley was devastated by the recent floods that affected Oklahoma through Texas and left Houston underwater overnight. This weekend many of the residents simultaneously told us stories of disaster and triumph in the … [Read more...]
Top 5 Reasons You Should No Longer Use for Staying Married
Whenever I coach a couple and one of the partners is constantly complaining about what the other is doing wrong, I always ask, “Why do you stay in this relationship?” The answer that usually follows the shock of that question is, “Well, I do love him.” Of course love has to be present in order for a relationship to survive. Love is the minimum requirement. In some cases, … [Read more...]
5 Habits of the Happily Married
Why is it so inconceivable for us to believe happy marriages do exist? It might have something to do with our thinking a happily married couple doesn’t experience any challenge or stressful moments. In fact, how they handle those stressful moments is usually the difference between them and most other couples. Our definition of what constitutes a happy marriage may vary. In my … [Read more...]