I love books, and I'm always on the hunt for the best self-improvement books. Despite all of the things that pull my attention on any given day, I make it my business to DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) at least two times a day. I get my reading fix in during my hour commute to work and my hour and fifteen commute from work. That said, here are some of the best self-improvement … [Read more...]
Why I Read to My Infant Son
Since becoming a first time mother in January, I knew that I had a miraculous opportunity to love and raise a gift from God. I also knew the extra special care and attention I would need to place on building my son’s self-esteem. Hardly a week goes by where a negative image in the media isn’t being played out, images that could create the narrative for my son’s outlook on life … [Read more...]
The North Paran Book Buzzlist
The North Paran Book Buzzlist is a weekly feature produced by NorthParan.com that gives readers an entertaining digest of the most fascinating books that are being talked about by the black community today. This week's list focuses on inspirational books for teenagers. Remember: For every book you purchase at NorthParan.com, a new book will be given to a child in … [Read more...]