Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been dealing with a married man for a while and I know its wrong, but we just got caught up. I want to walk away and just let it all go, but I didn't know it would be this hard. I fell in love with him and I don't know how it happened. I don't want to do this anymore. I Am in Love with a Married Man, How Do I Let Go? Please help, Ms. … [Read more...]
Adulterous and Abusive Wife: Do I Have Grounds for a Divorce?
Good afternoon Dr. Buckingham, My wife and I have been married for 19 years. I will admit the marriage has been on rocky ground from day 1, with the exception of the birth of our children. My wife has been verbally abusive the majority of the marriage; she yells and screams at our kids and rarely apologizes when wrong. A few years ago, I read a text message my wife wrote to … [Read more...]
My Husband Impregnated a Hood Rat: Can Our Marriage Survive His Deception?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been married for 20 years. We have two daughters. My husband cheated on me with someone that I believe has low standards (Hood Rat). I found out 4 years ago because she sent me a nasty letter giving me details of their sexual encounters. I was crushed! (The man) who I thought was my best friend had become my enemy, not my husband. He … [Read more...]
3 Types of People that Don’t Respect Marriage
It seems like cheating and affairs are at an all time high; Hollywood scandal is full of how unfaithful this or that person is and their saga plays out in the media for us all to see and judge. The philanderer is dragged through the mud; but I think it's time we step back for a second and look at the entire picture. People aren't having affairs by themselves and it usually … [Read more...]