It would take an entire book in itself to touch on every different communication style. If you Google different communication personality types, you’ll find a range of categories you can fall into that vary based on the system used or who came up with it. However, there are a few things that affect assertive communication in your marriage. They can also influence your … [Read more...]
16 of the Best Marriage Communication Tips All in One Place
It goes without saying that one of the key components to a healthy and successful marriage is positive and effective communication. Without it, arguments run amok and the relationship heads south fast. Increasingly though, more than 50% of marriages today fall victim to poor communication and either end in divorce or are at the edge of the cliff, barely hanging on. It doesn't … [Read more...]
5 Crucial Communication Tips to Achieve Oneness in Your Marriage
I don’t know how many times this has happened. My husband will be talking with someone and suddenly find himself at a loss for words. He knows what he wants to say, but he’s not quite sure how to say it. Then, I will pipe in and finish the thought, phrase, or sentence for him. We look at each other, nodding in agreement that we’re both on the same page. Some who don't know us … [Read more...]
The One Thing You MUST Have If You Want Good Communication with Your Spouse… No Exceptions
There is one thing that needs to be present before you can even begin having or improving communication with your spouse - honesty. And not only do you have to be honest, but you also have to be honest often. Do just one or the other, or none at all, and you risk constructing your communication on shaky ground. Let me explain. Honesty is a must! Honesty is very bottom rung on … [Read more...]