I have thought about it often: expectations in a marriage. Should you have high expectations? Should a mate assume their spouse knows them so well that they will know what to do and what not to? Is this faith and hope? Are mates being realistic? I told you, I have many thoughts on this subject. Let me set the expectation for this article. I simply want to raise a … [Read more...]
5 Marriage Prep Lessons that Give Singles on the Hunt a Reality Check
Many singles desire to be married. Unfortunately, most singles spend their time dreaming of their wedding day and seeking a spouse rather than preparing to be one. Think you are ready for marriage? Here are 5 key areas that most overlook when preparing for marriage. Lesson 1 - Know your why Ask yourself, why do you want to be married? What purpose does marriage serve in your … [Read more...]
Should Your Spouse “Complete” You?
My husband and I recently had an interesting conversation on the role and expectations of a spouse. We initially disagreed on whether or not a person should complete the other in a relationship. For me, the answer was clear. I thought an individual’s goal should never be finding another person to complete them, but one to complement them. There was just something about the … [Read more...]
How Couples Can Learn to Embrace Their Differences; We Did It and So Can You
Just because a couple is from the same race and country does not mean that they have the same culture. Two people of entirely different races could marry each other and literally have more in common than 2 people from the same race. According to Wikipedia: Culture is a word for people's 'way of life', meaning the way groups do things. Different groups of people may have … [Read more...]
Unspoken Expectations: How You May Be Setting Your Spouse Up for Failure
Prior to getting married, I had several expectations of my eventual wife. I had set a schedule of day-to-day chores, how arguments were to go, what my wife was to do for our home, our family, and me and how we were to behave in bed (don’t lie, you did this too). Unfortunately, I did not share any of these expectations with my wife before or after marriage. They were … [Read more...]