Dear Dr. Buckingham, Please help me work through my anger and disappointment with my husband. I married my husband who was also my high school sweet heart. We have been together 10 years and have had problems over the past two years because I recently learned that I could not have children. This has caused us to fight often because my husband told me that he wanted children … [Read more...]
My Husband Committed Adultery Twice and Had Two Kids: Has My Marriage Run Its Course?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been married for 21 years. My husband had two affairs early in our marriage that resulted in 2 love children by different women. I decided to stay for our 3 children. My husband has to pay support for these children and I had a lot of anger about having to struggle. I had to be the one who always worked multiple jobs so that my 3 kids did not … [Read more...]
HELP! My Daughter Just Revealed That My Husband of 17 Years Has Been Cheating On Me
Hello Dr. Buckingham, My husband and I have been married for 17 years, and we have three very beautiful girls. I thought we were happy until December of this past year when my middle daughter started suspecting him of cheating while I was at work. She started following him, tracking him by his phone and watching his every move (I had no idea this was going on). In January, … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Restore Trust in a Marriage After Repeated Infidelity
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I've been reading a couple of your articles on Facebook. I believe that you have a very unique gift from God. The information that I receive from your articles moves me to want to take action and acquire the change within myself. I never really reached out to anyone mainly because I was scared to do so. However, I have been married to my husband for 8 … [Read more...]
Blended Families Week: What If The Blending Comes From An Affair?
You may have heard the statistic that around 30 % of children live as part of a blended family. But here is another statistic you may not have heard very often: It is estimated that roughly 3% of children in the U.S. are born as the result of an extramarital affair. That percentage may not seem astounding on its own, but it amounts to more than 2 million children, meaning … [Read more...]