We all have our Kriptonite when it comes to impulse shopping and buying more than we need or even want. For me, as a self-proclaimed brown girl bibliophile introvert, I can’t pull myself from Amazon without spending at least $50. A sweet circuit of joy courses through me when I come home and find those boxes in my mail box or if they are too big, leaning against my door. But … [Read more...]
Why Every Black Family in America Should Consider Removing Debt from Their Balance Sheet
By Aja McClanahan Recent events in Ferguson and Baltimore have been bitter reminders for Black America: there’s still more work to do for justice and equality for people of all races in our country. Black people are clearly angry, frustrated and demoralized by the quality of life gap that still persists between Black and White America. Without being all political and … [Read more...]
Are Black Women the Solution to Preserving Intergenerational Wealth in African-American Community?
A few months back, I had the opportunity to view a film called “Black Heirlooms” which chronicles the financial and emotional impact that a lack of proper estate planning has had one African-American family’s legacy of love and community. Watching the short documentary was so moving that it inspired me to speak to my 74-year old mother about her affairs. Luckily, I learned … [Read more...]
“Give Us Grandkids or Else!” The Pressure Couples Feel to Conceive
She brushed it off a few times but I knew after about the tenth time she was asked, it had to be affecting her emotionally. Being the gracious host that she is, she smiled her way through it and instead of saying, “Back off” or “Leave me alone” she would instead ask "Do you need anything? Would you like something else to drink?". She probably wanted to cry and needed a hug … [Read more...]