When I first started my job working with teens in the Wellington Park section of SE Washington D.C., I had the bright idea that one of my first assignments for them to do was to complete a family tree. Welp…that idea blew up in my face when the majority of them started saying stuff to me like “I don’t know my dad” or “I never met his side of the family! Mr. Kil, how you gonna … [Read more...]
15 Great Dads – Honoring These Fathers Because They Deserve It
[tps_header] I am often told how blessed I am to have my husband. While he is an amazing hubby, he is also a phenomenal father to our three children. And while there's not a day that goes by, that I don't thank God for him, I also know that he's not the only phenomenal daddy out there. Contrary to what the media would like to have us think, there are so many great … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Miami Heat Star Dwyane Wade, Rapper Lecrae, and President Obama Working to Restore Fatherhood in America
Father's Day is here. It is the one time of the year where the focus is on showing dad some love. Much has been said about the important role a father plays in his children's lives, and how important it is to have more engaged fathers. Restoring America's Commitment to Fatherhood President Obama's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative was created with the goal of encouraging … [Read more...]
Couples Spotlight: Jonathan & Wynter Pitts
You may remember this couple from a picture they shared on our Facebook fan page. That one picture literally went viral in just hours of posting it. So we wanted to see who the real people were behind the beautiful photo. Meet Jonathan and Wynter Pitts. Their love affair began during their third year back at Drexel University. Johnathan’s story: I met Wynter very briefly at … [Read more...]
Letting Go and Letting Dad!
Question to the Moms: Is it just me or do you sometimes feel nervous when you leave the kids ALONE with Dad? I can't be the only one....I'm guilty of subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) thinking that my intelligent, capable, lovable and attentive husband can't fully take care of his own kids when I'm not around. WHY? There are several answers, some of which I will share, … [Read more...]
This Week’s Fab 5 Marriage Resources!
We’re back with another edition of the ‘Fab 5 Marriage’ resources from the popular destination for marriage resources…the BMWK Resource Guide. This week’s tools include a wonderful fatherhood conference, relationship resource, life/love coaching service and more. Let’s jump right in and start building better, stronger marriages and relationships… “Making Love Better … [Read more...]
Cherish the Moments: When My Kids still Called me “Daddy”
by Bil Mooney-McCoy “Hi Daddy.” There are few things more precious to me than hearing my 3-year-old granddaughter greet my son that way. It’s been a long time since a little person’s voice has called me “Daddy”. And it got me thinking. A few days ago, my friend, Paul Byerly, suggested writing a letter of advice to our younger selves. Here’s what I wished someone had … [Read more...]
Men, Just As Much As Women, Regret Not Having Kids
Think that men aren't bothered as much by not having children? Think again. A recent study suggests that men are just as likely as women to regret not having kids and may even be affected more. In a survey of 27 men and 81 women without children conducted by Robin Hadley of Keele University, it was found that half of the men admitted feeling isolation from not having … [Read more...]
The Importance of Fatherhood, From A to Z
Fatherhood is more than just the biological connection that you have with a child. It's more than providing for your child financially, and it's more than being physically present in the home. Fathers play such an important role in molding their children into the people that they are supposed to be that whether they are there physically or not, their influence will have lasting … [Read more...]
Incarcerated Fathers Given a Chance to Dance With Their Daughters
Father daughter dances are special events. They bring the community together and more importantly; they help make it possible for fathers and daughters to get to spend quality time together. It is a chance for them to dress up and learn lessons in how to carry themselves as young ladies and it is a chance for their fathers to show them just how they should be treated. There are … [Read more...]
Are We Failing Our Future Fathers?
Today's black fathers continue to be under the microscope. It's easy to look at the state of our nation’s youth and young adults and wonder how different the world would be if more fathers were there. This weekend while speaking at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, President Obama spoke on fathers. "For a lot of young boys and young men in particular, they don’t see an example of … [Read more...]
Celebrating the Importance of Fatherhood through Photography
There's something about a father being publicly affectionate with his child that warms my heart and fills my body with joy. Unfortunately, society stereotypes men as being callous, cold or uncaring at times. They depict them as individuals with a tough love attitude and a no tears policy. So when I see a father and a daughter holding hands while walking to school or a dad … [Read more...]
9 Things I Learned While My Husband Was Away
The day before Hurricane Sandy was scheduled to hit the East Coast, my husband left for what was supposed to be a two day business trip. But, ended up being...well...9 days. It was bad enough that he had to leave! But what made it even worse was that it coincided with what was rumored to be the worst storm to hit the East Coast in quite some time. Call me a wimp.... but I … [Read more...]
3 Simple Ways To Be A Great Dad
Fatherhood is one of the most challenging things a man will encounter in his life. At the same time, it is one of life's most rewarding. As the father of three children, ranging from ages 2 to 12, I have learned a lot. And, I am certain I still have a lot more to learn. I am constantly looking to be a better father to my children. I know I am not the only dad that … [Read more...]
Interview: Inside the Mind of a Married Man with Kids
Haywood Batchelor, whose name is the only thing single about him, doesn't mind falling into traditional gender roles. He also doesn't mind redefining his idea of fun. Yo Gabba Gabba is now recorded over NBA games and his date nights with his wife are few and far between. As a working father of a toddler and newborn twins, Haywood is learning that quality is much better than … [Read more...]