My husband makes more money than I do. I don’t think it means anything special. It’s just a fact. I appreciate all he does for our family, and he knows it, but his income is simply a fact. It’s been a fact since we got married. Will it always be a fact? Maybe not. If I keep hustling the way I am, probably not. There may be a moment when we sit down and I say, “Babe, looks … [Read more...]
4 Simple Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Marriage
I know several happily married couples, but I have yet to meet the perfect couple. That’s because they don’t exist. Even the happiest couples have stuff to deal with. And while some problems may be rather harmless, some things can really damage a great relationship. I have a great marriage, but we’ve had our share of problems. But in each instance, one of us owned what went … [Read more...]