You’ve been in your relationship for years, and although you’ve made mistakes, you believe they are pretty minor compared to the devastating mistakes you’ve accepted from your spouse. Maybe she cheated on you. Maybe he squandered away a huge chunk of your savings. Or maybe, it’s a long list of smaller issues that have you realizing this relationship is not what you … [Read more...]
2 Raw Reasons Why He May Never Be the Man You Want Him to Be
Don't you just wish your man would just be more outgoing? Or do you want your woman to be more of a social butterfly? But can you really change him or her? Several of the people I know in relationships have something they want their mate to change. Women often think they can initiate or motivate the change. When men are looking for change in their mate, they tell them what … [Read more...]
4 Right-on-Time Prayers for Forgiveness in Your Marriage
Marriage cannot succeed without forgiveness. I know that’s a bold statement. But it’s true. Every day we have opportunity to offend one another. It may not happen on purpose. Most times it’s an accident. Yet and still, with every offense comes the opportunity to forgive. Forgiveness is one of those areas most couples, including me and mine, could spend a little extra time … [Read more...]
The Hidden Cost of Holding Grudges
Grudges. They are so easy to pick up and so hard to let go. The cause of grudges can range from the minor offense of ‘not speaking’ to the greater abuses that plagues many of our communities. But the results of long-term unforgiveness (holding grudges) are the same—the upheaval of our physical and emotional health. Science Says … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Stop Bringing Out the Worst in Your Spouse
I heard a minister make this statement, “If you keep appealing to the dog in your man, that is who will keep showing up.” Wow – I thought, those are some pretty strong words. My man is not a dog! I had to stop for a second to hear the truth hidden in that statement. The truth hidden in this bold statement is that anyone, male or female, can have doggish behavior. I … [Read more...]
The Unclosed Door- 4 Ways to Find Closure Without an Apology
By: Aneesha Perkins Has someone you were dating or in a relationship with hurt you, walked away, and never apologized? The experience probably left you clueless and in the dark. While they went on enjoying life and continued to date other people, you couldn’t seem to move beyond what happened. You may have become guarded, promising yourself never to become vulnerable to … [Read more...]
Three Lies Married People Tell About Forgiveness
for·give verb \f?r-?giv, fo?r-\ : to stop feeling anger toward (someone who has done something wrong) : to stop blaming (someone)- Merriam Webster At some point in your marriage your spouse will hurt you, usually unintentionally, but we are human and sometimes that humanness gets in the way and we hurt one another through words or actions. In order to move past the pain and … [Read more...]
4 Misconceptions about Forgiveness that Affect Your Marriage and Life
Many truths and misconceptions surround the word forgive or forgiveness. We need the truth, but misstatements and misconceptions can get us off track.There are many definitions for the word forgiveness or forgive. Most times our definition comes from our life experiences and upbringing. It comes from our history. No matter the definition the dictionary gives, our personal … [Read more...]