By now you may have seen this couple’s love story on sites such as Essence or Huffington Post. This couple has a fairytale ending that most can only say was a divine encounter. After being forced to close down her massage therapy business, and losing everything she had including her home, Ressurrection was forced to go to a homeless shelter. No one could’ve predicted that it … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Couple Goes Public About a Homeless Man’s Good Deed and Change His Life
The story about a homeless man who opted not to sell the diamond ring dropped in his change cup is warming hearts across the nation. Billy Ray Harris of Missouri returned a diamond ring that fell off the hand of a woman who had given him change. Despite being offered $4,000 when he showed it a jeweler Harris decided to do what was right. In turn what he has gotten far exceeds … [Read more...]
New York Homeless Man Sues Parents
Many of us may feel like we didn't get something from our parents. While most often our mothers and fathers, when present, did the best they could there are areas where they fell short. Being of the human species it's very unlikely that we will do everything right. Parenthood is no exception to this. With our own children we raise them the best we know how and hope that they … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Do You Give Money To Panhandlers?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Despite not having a lot of money, my parents would give their last dime to help those in need. Perhaps that's why I grew up having no problems giving money to panhandlers. Things changed, however, when I moved to Philadelphia for graduate school. Panhandlers were everywhere. Despite money being tight and having to subsist on Ramen noodles … [Read more...]