It's not about you. It's not about you. It's not about you. Singles, we have the misconception we often feed, that we can be some selfish creatures. Some books and other people will tell you that being single is a stage of enlightenment and a time to only be "taking care of me" and other clichés that come with false independence. That kind of thinking fits very well with how … [Read more...]
Singles: How are You “Actively Waiting” for Marriage?
I must admit that there are times when I get distracted by unnecessary things that keep me from being focused on being single. Sometimes it’s other people, TV, or my own thoughts. I realize then that I’m getting off track and need to refocus on what’s important to me in this season of singleness. When you make the decision to be single and actively wait for God’s plan to … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Plan to Live My Life to the Fullest
Last Sunday, over the Christmas break, one of the principals that I work closely with, dropped dead at 38-years old, leaving behind a wife and a four-year old daughter. This principal was a dynamic leader, loved children, but most importantly to me, and for the purposes of this post, so young. So young. I haven't been to a funeral in years. And the last person that I … [Read more...]
A Quick Guide to Living the Life that You Really Want
Do you know of a woman that, despite not-so-great circumstances, keeps it positive and looks at the world through a lens of hope, faith, and overall positivity? She has confidence, stays calm, and knows her purpose in life? Her light and energy are contagious and you just want to soak it all in? ...who they are and what they do align and create possibility, confidence, and … [Read more...]