You and the man of your dreams have successfully jumped the broom. You're happy. He's happy. All's right with the world. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how to make all right with your home. Combining two homes into one is no small task, but it can be done. In fact, it must be done if you truly desire a place where you and your new spouse can find peace and … [Read more...]
You’re Married Now What? 5 Harsh Realities about Marriage!
Congratulations, you’re married! NOW is when the real work begins. Every day I see and speak to couples who are hit with a new reality once their wedding day is over. Those couples get back home from their honeymoon and then it sinks in that they are actually committed to and stuck with their mate for the rest of their lives. Once reality sets in, couples realize that … [Read more...]
3 Money Tips for Newlyweds That Will Safeguard Your Marriage From Divorce
Last week, I was on the train sitting next to a couple that was going to marry the next day. They were both wearing “bride” and “groom” sunglasses. They were smacking on gum and they had their feet up on the train seats next to them. The bride-to-be was scrolling through some pictures on her phone and the groom-to-be was looking on—commenting, and cheesing. They were in … [Read more...]
My Husband Asked if I Was Happy in Our Marriage, I Had to Be Honest
The other day my husband asked me on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was in our marriage. We're coming up on our 7 month wedding anniversary and tend to check in with each other about what's working in our marriage, and what areas we can afford to improve in. It didn't take long for me to answer my husband's question. I automatically knew I couldn't give him a confident 10. … [Read more...]
5 Thoughts about Marriage I’d Share with A New Bride
If I were to sit with a new bride and tell her about marriage, there are many, many things I would like to share. We could talk about her building her new home. We could chat about when to have kids. We could even talk about cooking his favorite meal. The list could go on and on. The topics are endless. However, limiting my thoughts because of time and space I would share with … [Read more...]
Avoiding Baby Fever As A Newlywed
My husband and I have been together for 4 years and married for 6 months. Some would say we're still in the honeymoon phase but we feel like we've been together forever. As newlyweds, we're still settling into our lives with each other, including living together and pursuing our individual and joint goals. We're often met with the age old question by family and friends, and the … [Read more...]