As parents, we strive to give our children the best. We want them to get the best education and to receive the best medical care. Anything less is unacceptable. But do we have the same standard when it comes to what we feed our children and how much we encourage them to exercise? Do we still go above and beyond to make sure they’re getting the best? If you’re not as diligent … [Read more...]
Is Your Heart Healthy? 7 Habits that Increase the Risk of Heart Disease
February is American Heart Health Month. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number one killer for all Americans. The sad thing is that the risks are higher for African Americans. The most common conditions that lead to heart disease are diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. These are all avoidable conditions with proper diet and … [Read more...]
5 Mistakes We Make When Trying to Be Healthy
'Tis the season to eat drink and be merry. You've had Thanksgiving dinner. And, next up are all the office and social holiday parties, not to mention the Christmas feast that awaits us all in just a few short weeks. Since eating is such a huge part of the American culture, we're ranked pretty high as one of the most obese countries in the world. If you're like me, then you … [Read more...]
Money Moday: How To Fight Childhood Obesity On A Slim Budget
"But doctor, my kid can't be overweight, he's the same size as all his cousins." That's the response we pediatricians often receive after informing parents that their little one is overweight. You see, childhood obesity is so commonplace that it's become difficult for parents to recognize. I won't bore you with the statistics. Suffice it to say that for the first time in … [Read more...]
HBO’s Weight of the Nation Brings Awareness to Country’s Obesity Epidemic
This week, HBO aired a four-part documentary titled "Weight of the Nation,"which confronts America's obesity epidemic. It's no secret that millions of our citizens are not only overweight, but considered obese or even morbidly obese. We know that we're supposed to eat right and exercise, yet many of us don't take the necessary steps to keep ourselves healthy. The … [Read more...]
200 Pound Third-grader Put In Foster Care – Were The Authorities Right?
A severely obese 8-year-old has been taken from his mother and put into foster care after authorities said the child's mother was negligent about controlling the his weight. The mother believes the social workers overstepped their boundaries. From the Huffington Post: CLEVELAND "” An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Do Anti-Obesity Ads Go Too Far Or Not Far Enough?
A series of videos from Georgia's Strong4Life campaign shows quick black and white vignettes of overweight children, urging parents to stop sugarcoating the problem. In the episode featuring Tamika, the voiceover says, "I just always thought she was thick, like her mama." According to the campaign, more than 1 million kids in Georgia are overweight, making it the … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Do Smaller Plates Lead To Healthier Families?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters I know I'm dating myself, but I remember the days when quenching your thirst meant going to the Coke machine, inserting your money, and then listening as a can of soda slid down the inside of the machine to be dispensed below. And that 12 ounce aluminum can of soda did the job. Think about this for a second. Most vending machines now … [Read more...]