I wish I could say that most of what I'm teaching my kids (ages two, three and five), I learned throughout my own childhood, and through my parents. But the truth is I didn’t and I’m okay with that now. I understand that most people only do what they are taught. You know the saying, “do as I say, not as I do”? Well whoever coined that saying obviously wasn’t aware that “actions … [Read more...]
When It Comes to Your Kids, Are You Just Winging It?
During our last #MarriageChat, we asked the question: And we received several great answers such as: I was young when I had my first child (20) and I raised him based on what I learned from my parents. But I didn't consciously think about how my actions would or could impact the person that he would become. I just loved him, fed him, played with him..but … [Read more...]