Unfortunately, there is so much sadness and evil in this world today. It's so easy to let some of what's happening around us affect our relationships. A culture of selfishness and hate could quickly have an impact on even the best of marriages. Seeing friends divorce and hearing stories of infidelity and pain, could have you looking at your own marriage sideways if you aren't … [Read more...]
4 Petty Habits Married Couples Just Need to Leave Behind in 2016
As we prepare to bid farewell to the year 2016, there are also some behaviors we need to leave behind. You know the ones...the ones that have caused us nothing but heartache and pain. The type of behaviors that have had a negative impact on our marriages. We can't welcome in the new without getting rid of the old. With a new year and a fresh start right around the corner, … [Read more...]
Couple Shares 4 Relationship Secrets to Their 50 Year Strong Marriage
Relationship Goals! That's what I thought when I saw a couple celebrating 50 years of marriage. My husband and I were celebrating our 7th year wedding anniversary at the time and we noticed the couple as they walked in the restaurant because of the slogan on their matching T-shirts: "The First 50 Years Are The Hardest." I actually had a chance to hear wisdom … [Read more...]