If you're a single Christian woman who has spent any time in the church, you've probably been taught to pray for your Boaz. In sermon after sermon, you're told that Boaz was a handsome, wealthy man who pursued Ruth and married her because she was willing to wait for him. You may have even been taught to kick Boaz's cousins "Broke-az, Po-az, Lyin-az, Cheating-az, Dumb-az, … [Read more...]
10 Relationship Tees for Women Who Luv Love!
The journey from the single life to one of marital bliss can be awesome! For some, they search for, find, and grab a hold of love early on in life. Others, however, take a little more time to explore so that when the time is right, they feel better equipped to jump the broom. Whether you are single and on the prowl, or have started your journey with the love of your life, … [Read more...]