Dear Men and Women, Your man is not your accessory. Your woman is not your mother. Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me give it some context. Remember the times when our relationships were new and full of energy, lust, chemistry and excitement? ***cue Michael Jackson song "Do You Remember the Time"*** But then, life happened. Careers got in way. … [Read more...]
4 Times You Might Feel Like Drop Kicking Your Spouse…but Here’s What to Do Instead
Loving thoughts produce loving actions and loving actions produce loving feelings… Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "that's easier said than done." And, while I get that, I think our relationships and marriages are worth the effort. There are 4 scenarios where being loving to your mate are probably the hardest, but you may find that you need to do it the most during these … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Avoid Having a Sexless Marriage
Suddenly… he looks at her and he no longer sees her as girlfriend or wife, but rather mother and companion. He realizes it’s now been six months and even though they sleep together every night in the same bed, they haven't been intimate at all. Seemingly suddenly…went from playmates to roommates. He is hoping she still desires him and admires him. What happened to the … [Read more...]