If you’ve ever been to a family reunion, you know to expect amazing activities, hours on end fun, generational introductions and re-introductions, getting to know you chats, and the occasional heated discussion. Tom Joyner brings all this and more to his annual Allstate Tom Joyner Family Reunion. This year, if your family is in need of some good ole R&R, the timing, … [Read more...]
BMWK Weekend Travel Guide: Baby, Let’s Party!
Baby, let's party and cruise! Celebrate your anniversary or just getaway for the weekend on a party cruise. The ultimate party and vacation with a purpose is setting sail on March 25th! The Tom Joyner Foundation's "Fantastic Voyage 2012" leaves Fort Lauderdale for the beautiful islands of Ocho Rios Jamaica, Nassau Bahamas and CoCoCay. The ultimate party with a purpose will … [Read more...]