It was a warm summer evening with hints of Fall temperatures in the air as I sat on my sofa reading, I glanced outside and saw my beautiful little girl playing with her friends in the front yard. They were laughing and frolicking about and enjoying themselves as kids should. As I watched, I couldn’t help but marvel at their innocence. They are young and free, without a care … [Read more...]
Don’t Blame Your Child…It Really Isn’t Their Fault
If you have been blessed, as I am, to be a parent, you know parenting to be an experience of the greatest highs coupled with the lowest of lows. This is not an exaggeration - parenting is part joy and part pain. Nevertheless, for the lucky parents, parenting is an experience with much more joy than pain. Joy & Pain Yet, no matter how lucky a parent may be, joy and pain … [Read more...]
10 Things Parents Do to Make Their Kids ‘Forever Dependents’
Is it just me, or does it seem that modern parents spoil the crap out of their kids? I'm sorry but if I see one more mom CARRYING a child that is bigger than she is, I'm gonna scream. If the child can walk, why isn't he/she walking? I've seen children that appear to be 6 or 7 years old being pushed in strollers. The child is so big that the feet are dragging the ground. … [Read more...]
Why It’s So Important to Listen to Your Children
"Listen earnestly to anything [your children] want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff." ~Catherine Wallace I saw this quote on Pinterest a few days ago and later on Facebook. There hasn't been a day that … [Read more...]